11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (2024)

Check out thesestool softener foods for kids and help prevent or treat constipation.

Lots of kids are constipated. In fact, it’s reported that about 3-5% of pediatrician office visits are for constipation and about a third of the visits to the gastroenterologist are for complaints related to being constipated.

So, many kids suffer from chronic constipation. As a result, many parents are looking for solutions. A stool softener for kids can help, but often, parents are led to an over-the-counter medication to help their children.

11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (1)

As apediatric dietitian, I’ve seen many kids with constipation using Miralax to help them move their bowels regularly. Miralax, or polyethlylene glycol 3350, is a stimulant laxative. It brings more water into the intestines, triggering a bowel movement.

Many parents I meet with, however, are anxious to use a morenatural approach to constipation managementand avoid or eliminate over-the-counter medications like Miralax.

While I am not opposed to the use of laxatives or other medications to relieve constipation, I believe we should make an attempt to improve children’s diets and other lifestyle behaviors first. This is where stool softener foods can help.

But before we dive into stool softener foods, you need to understand a few things about constipated kids.

Why Do Kids Get Constipated?

Kids get constipated for many reasons. From my perspective, a low-fiber diet or not getting enough grams of fiber in the diet, not getting enough water, and lack of regular exercise each play a large role in this scenario.

But there are other reasons for constipation, such as Hirschprung’s disease, a condition where the nerve cells at the end of the bowel are missing, causing blockage because the stool doesn’t pass normally.

Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation type (IBS-C) is another medical condition whereby certain foods –some of which could be high fiber foods – cause constipation.

[Listen to Kate Scarlata discuss IBSwith me on the podcast andread this articleI wrote for U.S. News & World Report on constipation.]

Last, abdominal pain and the fear of pooping are drivers for some kids. Toddlers may not want to defecate because hard stools are painful. Older kids may not feel comfortable going number #2 at school and not having regular bowel movements contributes to a greater risk of constipation.

11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (2)

Generally, these work by pulling liquids into the digestive tract, which is absorbed into the stool, making it wetter and easier to pass.

Stool softeners are emollient laxatives. An example is Colace. It’s important to note that a stool softener is just one type of laxative. There are several different types of laxatives that may help relieve constipation.

Understanding Laxatives

Some laxatives work on the gut and some work on the stool itself.

Let’s take a quick review.

Bulk-forming Laxatives

These form a gel-like substance in the GI tract, which will hold more water in the stool. The stool gets larger, which stimulates the gut to contract and pass the stool.

Bulk Forming Laxative Examples: Metamucil, Citrucel, Benefiber

Lubricant Laxatives

These coat the stool with an oil (ie, mineral oil), preventing water loss. It also helps the stool pass through the gut easier.

Example: Mineral oil

Hyperosmotic Laxatives

These also draw more water into the gut and allow stool to pass more readily.

Hyperosmotic Laxative Examples: Colace, Miralax

Saline Laxatives

Similar to the functioning of other laxatives described above, saline laxatives pull water into the gut and soften the stool. This type of laxative can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Saline Laxative Examples: Fleet, Milk of Magnesia

Stimulant Laxatives

This stimulates contractions and movement in the gut. These are fast-acting but like saline laxatives, they can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Stimulant Laxative Examples: Ex-Lax, Senokot, Dulcolax

11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (3)

Is Miralax Safe for Kids?

Miralax has been studied and considered safe in children under 17 years of age, however, a comprehensive study is underway to determine side effects of chronic Miralax use, particularly with regard to neuro-psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, anger, and paranoia.

Outcomes of this study are pending.

**Never use a laxative or over-the-counter stool softener without consulting with your doctor first.**

Yes! Foods and the overall diet can help soften the stool and stimulate a bowel movement. The trick is to get on a regular meal pattern that incorporates more of these foods.

Foods with fiberare considered good softeners. Striving for a high-fiber diet is critical to breaking the constipation cycle and helping your child normalize his bowel movements.

Types of Fiber: Insoluble versus Soluble Fiber

When it comes to foods that prevent constipation, you’ll want to focus on foods with insoluble fiber. Insoluble fibers cannot dissolve in water and they stay intact as they move through your child’s intestine. An example of this are chia seeds.

It stays undigested because our body can’t digest insoluble fiber. In other words, our bodies can’t break it down. It sits in the intestinal tract and absorbs fluids, making stool easier to pass.

Soluble fibers are the opposite of insoluble fibers, in that they DO dissolve in water easily, changing into a gel-like substance in the colon. This gel substance can block fat absorption, lower cholesterol, keep blood sugar stable, and feed healthy gut bacteria.

Both insoluble and soluble sources of fiber are important to a healthy gut and normal bowel movements.

Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber Foods for Kids Chart

Soluble Fiber Foods *** Insoluble Fiber Foods
Beans Beans
Peas Whole Wheat Breads & Products
Oats Bran Cereal & Bran Products
Barley Green Beans
Apples Nuts
Citrus Fruit Potato

Here are 11 foods to soften stool that you can begin to work into your child’s diet regularly. Aim for two to three of these foods per day. And remember to provide plenty of water.

[Read:Natural Constipation Relieffor more information about constipation remedies using real food approaches.]

1. Sweet potato with the skin

Many families don’t offer sweet potatoes, but I find kids do like them because they are naturally sweet.

Bake them in the oven or microwave. And don’t worry if your child won’t eat the skin.

There’s still good dietary fiber to be had on the inside!

2. Raw pear or Asian pear

Pears are a good source of fiber. Have you tried an Asian pear? It’s crispy like an apple.

In fact, I often suggest trying an Asian pear with my extremely picky eaters who like apples because the texture is similar.

Asian pears are seasonal, so keep your eyes out for them. Slice them into thin slivers for ease of eating.

3. Green peas

I know, I know. You’re going to say that your child doesn’t like peas! Well, I say mix them into soups, pasta dishes or toss them on salads.

The trick I use is to not cook them. I throw them into foods straight out of the freezer.

Whether it’s mixed into a pasta dish, tossed into soup, or thrown on top of a salad, I toss a handful in here and there to boost fiber. That’s exactly how I add them to my very popularSlow Cooker Shredded Beefmeal.

4. Whole Wheat English muffin or bread

If you haven’t made the switch to whole grain or whole wheat breads, English muffins and rolls, it’s time to start making the move. This is one of the easiest ways to boost fiber in your child’s diet.

With the availability of white whole wheat bread products, it’s easier than ever to make this change and ensure your child gets plenty of fiber.

[Try:Whole Wheat Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins]

5. Fresh raspberries

Have you ever looked at a fresh raspberry up close? There are tons of little seeds.

The seeds in berries are what makes them such a great source of fiber. You can bet on strawberries and blackberries being good fiber sources, too.

6. Baked potato with the peel

Similar to the sweet potato, a regular baker with the skin left on is a good source of fiber for your child.

If you can’t get your kiddo to eat a baked potato, try to roast cubed potatoes with the skin, or cut potatoes into house-cut fries (with the skin).

7. Prunes

Not just for older folks! Prunes are an effective stool softener food for kids too.

If your child wants nothing to do with them, try the fruit juice version mixed into a smoothie. When one of my kids were little and transitioning to solid food, I put an ounce of prune juice into her milk and it worked like a charm.

8. Dried figs or dates

Dried fruit in general is a good source of fiber and can help to soften the stool, making it easier to pass.

Use dried figs or dates as part of a snack or include it in ahomemade granola. Beware of fluid intake. Dried fruit doesn’t have much water, so you’ll want to make sure you offer something to drink alongside.

If your child doesn’t drink enough fluids, he orshe can become dehydrated,which contributes to constipation.

9. Apple with the skin

An apple a day…keeps constipation at bay. (Couldn’t help myself!) Lots of kids don’t want to eat the skin from the apple.

Here’s a little tip: Slice the apple with the skin on into very, very thin slices. It’s easier for young kids to chew and eat.

10. Whole wheat spaghetti

Today, it’s easy to find whole wheat pasta products. You can even find bean and vegetable-based pastas.

All of these will help increase the fiber load in your child’s diet and help with regulating bowel movements. If you don’t think your child will go for straight-up whole wheat pasta, mix it 50:50 with regular pasta. In other words, ease into it.

11. Raw banana or orange

Some fruits have obvious fiber in them. If you look closely at an orange or clementine, you’ll see fibrous particles. This is the fiber that will help prevent your child from being constipated.

You can see fiber in a banana, too. Help your child peel an orange if needed, to make it more accessible and easier to eat.

Find ways to include these stool softener foods into your child’s diet. Not only will you help to prevent constipation, you’ll also improve nutrient intake and overall nutrition.


11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (4)

Need More Help with Feeding Kids?

Last, consider a probiotic, but discuss with your child’s pediatrician first. I’ve reviewed 5 probiotics for kids.

Should We Make Our KIDS EAT VEGETABLES? (This Might Surprise You!)

11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (5)

This post was originally published in November 2019 | Updated in August 2023.

11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation (2024)


11 Natural Stool Softener Foods for Kids with Constipation? ›

Foods that help with constipation in kids include prunes, apples and pears. They're nature's laxatives. These fruits contain a sugar called "sorbitol," which draws water into the bowels and softens the stool. Offer these foods with water to help with easier bowel movements.

What foods make kids poop softer? ›

Foods that help with constipation in kids include prunes, apples and pears. They're nature's laxatives. These fruits contain a sugar called "sorbitol," which draws water into the bowels and softens the stool. Offer these foods with water to help with easier bowel movements.

How do you unconstipate a child fast? ›

There are several things you can do that might help relieve your child's constipation before your doctor's appointment, for example:
  1. Give your child prune juice. ...
  2. Cut back on constipating foods. ...
  3. If possible, take your child for a walk or run. ...
  4. Ease up on toilet training.

What is a quick homemade laxative? ›

Natural laxatives include foods rich in magnesium, fiber, and probiotics, as well as drinks like water, prune juice, and coffee. Certain herbs, such as senna, ginger, peppermint, and aloe vera, can also help to keep your bowel movements more regular. Using natural laxatives to relieve constipation is usually safe.

What is the quickest laxative for kids? ›

DulcoLax® Soft Chews Kids is a saline laxative. This type of laxative generally works faster than fiber supplements and other osmotic laxatives. DulcoLax® Soft Chews provide relief in as little as 30 minutes*. Non-saline osmotic laxatives and fiber supplements can take 1-3 days to work.

How do you stop hard poop in kids? ›

Common causes include early toilet training and changes in diet. Fortunately, most cases of constipation in children are temporary. Encouraging your child to make simple dietary changes — such as eating more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and drinking more water — can go a long way toward alleviating constipation.

What drinks help kids poop? ›

Apple juice

It's often recommended for children who have constipation because it has a relatively high ratio of fructose to glucose and sorbitol content.

What simple trick empties your bowels immediately? ›

Try These Tricks for Quick Bowel Movement Stimulation
  • Drink coffee. Regarding drinks that make you poop, coffee is probably the first that comes to mind. ...
  • Squat when you poop. ...
  • Use a fiber supplement. ...
  • Take a stimulant laxative. ...
  • Take an osmotic laxative. ...
  • Take a lubricant laxative. ...
  • Try a stool softener. ...
  • Use a suppository.
Aug 2, 2022

What is the 30 minute laxative? ›

Dulcolax® Liquid starts to work faster than MiraLAX. Dulcolax® Liquid works in as little as 30 minutes (30 minutes to 6 hours) while MiraLAX starts to work in 1–3 days (based on product labeling).

How to clean out bowels quickly? ›

How can I clean my colon naturally?
  1. Hydration. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is a great way to regulate digestion. ...
  2. Saltwater flush. You can also try a salt water flush. ...
  3. High fiber diet. ...
  4. Juices and smoothies. ...
  5. Juice fast. ...
  6. More resistant starches. ...
  7. Probiotics. ...
  8. Herbal teas.

How to clear impacted stool in a child? ›

All the poo that has become stuck has to be cleared out of the bowel, otherwise the soiling will continue, and the constipation will not get better. To achieve this your child will need to take increasing doses of laxatives. This is often called a disimpaction regime. Macrogol laxatives are usually used for this.

What are natural laxatives for kids? ›

A healthy diet

To add more fibre to your child's diet, you can try the following: At least two servings of fruit each day – fruits with the peel left on, such as plums, prunes, raisins, apricots and peaches, have a lot of fibre. Prune juice – this is a mild, natural laxative that works in some children.

What supplements help kids poop? ›

Fiber supplements such as psyllium, inulin, and glucomannan may help improve constipation. Asking a healthcare professional to recommend a specific type and dosage is advised.

How to soften stool in a child? ›

Increased fiber may soften stools. Sugary drinks that ferment (such as apple and fruit juice) may be used as well. Prune juice has the advantage of fiber as well as natural senna. Extra water or fluids generally don't reach the colon.

What foods make your poop really soft? ›

Kristen Smith, MS, R.D., a bariatric surgery coordinator at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, shares five foods that can help relieve constipation.
  • Oatmeal. “Oats are loaded with soluble fiber, which is a type of fiber that allows more water to remain in the stool,” says Smith. ...
  • Chia seeds. ...
  • Prunes. ...
  • Beans. ...
  • Raspberries.

What will soften stool quickly? ›

1. How to make stools easy to pass
  • 1.1. Drink lots of water to soften stools. ...
  • 1.2. Add more fiber to help soften stools naturally. ...
  • 1.3. Regular exercise improves stool quality. ...
  • 1.4. Probiotics Supplement - Probiotics. ...
  • 1.5. Use olive oil to soften stools. ...
  • 1.6. Aloe vera helps soften stools effectively and safely. ...
  • 1.7.

What is a safe stool softener for children? ›

Examples include polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG), PEG 4000, Milk of Magnesia (magnesium hydroxide), and Magnesium Citrate. These medications attract more water to the colon to ease, hydrate, and soften poop. PEG 3350 is the recommended osmotic laxative to be used in infants and children.


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