25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (2024)

Rock and stone are some of the most popular hardscape options used in pool landscaping, as they add texture and color around the pool, are extremely durable, and can be used in an endless amount of ways.

Allowing you to quickly and easily transform any poolscape with just a few well-placed rocks.

So to give you some pool landscaping ideas, we’ve highlighted 25 of the best pool landscaping ideas with rocks.

Use Stone Pavers Around the Pool as an Alternative to Concrete

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (1)

If you’re looking for an alternative to concrete around your pool, consider using stone pavers.

Stone pavers are a great way to add visual interest and texture to your landscape and can be used to create a more natural look around the pool.

Plus, they are also much easier to install than concrete and can be done by a do-it-yourselfer with little experience.

Build a Stone Fire Pit Next to the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (2)

Consider adding a stone firepit using rocks and stone next to the pool.

As this is a great way to add a focal point to your poolscape and create a space where you can relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Plus the juxtaposition of the fire next to the water in the pool creates a super cool ambiance at night.

Add a Stone Fountain or Water Feature to Enhance Pool Landscaping

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (3)

Another popular way to use rocks in pool landscaping is to add a water fountain or water feature in the landscaping around the pool

To help add additional visual interest and create a focal point to your landscaping.

Stone water fountains and water features are also great places to add additional seating around the pool, as people tend to naturally gravitate towards running water and water features.

Plus adding a water feature gives you the added benefit of having soothing background noise around the pool, which can be a great way to block out noisy neighbors and bring a more calming and relaxing effect to the pool.

Use Rocks to Build a Retaining Wall Around the Swimming Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (4)

If you have a sloped yard, a retaining wall can be a great way to level things out and make your backyard pool area more functional.

It will also help to prevent erosion and keep debris from entering the pool and give the poolscape a more natural feel.

Stack Rocks to Create a Unique Rock Feature

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (5)

A popular way to add rocks to an existing pool landscape is to stack rocks on top of each other in a creative way to create a unique rock feature next to the pool.

This can be done by stacking rocks of various sizes on top of each other, starting with the largest at the bottom and gradually getting smaller as you go up.

You can then use plants or vines to grow up around the rocks, adding both greenery and color to your poolscape.

This is a great way to add a focal point to your poolscape and make it more interesting.

Use Large Rocks to Create a Natural-Looking Waterfall

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (6)

Another popular way to use rocks in pool landscaping is to create a natural-looking waterfall.

This can be done by stacking large rocks around the edge of the pool, with the largest rocks at the bottom and smaller rocks gradually getting smaller as they get closer to the top.

You can then use a pump to circulate the water from your pool up to the top of the waterfall, where it will flow down the rocks and back into the pool.

This is a great way to add both visual interest and the sound of running water to your poolscape.

Add Large Rocks or Boulders as Focal Points in the Landscape Design

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (7)

Large rocks can also be used as focal points in your landscape design as well.

This can be done by placing large rocks throughout the landscaping, using them as anchors for other elements such as plants and trees.

Large rocks can also be used to create interesting features such as rock gardens.

No matter how you use them though, large rocks are a great way to add visual interest and depth to your landscape design.

Use Rocks to Form a Natural-Looking Border Around the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (8)

If you want to create a more natural-looking poolscape, you can use rocks to create a border around the edge of the pool.

This can be done by placing large rocks around the perimeter of the pool, with smaller rocks placed in between.

You can then plant grass or groundcover between the rocks, which will help blend the rocks into the surrounding landscape.

This is a great way to create a more natural-looking poolscape that will seamlessly blend into your yard.

Use Rock and Stone Accents to Dress Up an Outdoor Shower

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (9)


Outdoor showers are a great way to rinse off before or after taking a dip in the pool, but they can also be a bit of an eyesore.

If they’re just awkwardly placed by themselves next to the pool and not incorporated into the overall poolscape.

However, you can remedy this by using rock and stone as accents around the shower to give it a more natural look and feel.

Use Stone Pavers to Create an Interesting Patio or Pool Deck

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (10)

You can use stone pavers to create a more interesting and unique patio or pool deck, as opposed to the more common and boring concrete slab.

This can be done by using rocks of different sizes and colors to create a mosaic-like design.

You can also use rocks to create borders or outlines around your patio or pool deck.

This is a great way to add some visual interest to your outdoor space and make it more unique.

Use Rocks to Line Walkways and Landscape Beds Around the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (11)


If you have walkways or landscape beds around your pool, consider lining them with rocks.

As this will add a bit of interest to the landscaping and will prevent people from walking on the surrounding grass or mulch and jumping directly into the pool.

Which will help to keep the pool clean and debris free.

Incorporate Stone Benches Into the Pool Landscape

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (12)

Another great way to use rocks in pool landscaping is to incorporate stone benches into the landscape.

As this is a great way to add additional seating to your poolscape and create a more inviting and relaxed space.

Group Rocks Together to Create an Interesting Landscape Feature

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (13)

Another way to use rocks in pool landscaping is to group them to create an interesting landscape feature.

This can be done by placing rocks of varying sizes and colors together to create a unique and eye-catching display.

You can also use rocks to create different shapes or patterns in your landscaping.

For example, you could use them to create a winding path or to frame a garden bed.

No matter how you use them though, grouping rocks together is a great way to add interest and visual appeal to your landscape.

Build A Rock or Stone Wall to Disguise Pool Equipment

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (14)

If you have unsightly pool equipment out in the open, such as pumps or filters, consider using a rock or stone wall to block them from view.

As this will give your pool area a more polished and finished look.

Plus, it will also help reduce noise coming from the equipment.

Use Rocks or Stone to Create and Define an Outdoor Living Space.

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (15)

Poolscaping with rocks is a great way to create an outdoor living space.

Rocks can be used to define boundaries, create privacy, or add visual interest to your poolscape and outdoor seating areas.

And If you already have an outdoor living space, consider using rocks to give the space a more natural look and feel.

As this will help to create a more intimate and private seating area.

Use Landscaping Rock as an Alternative to Mulch

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (16)

Mulch is a common landscape material that is used to help control weeds, retain moisture, and add visual interest.

And while it is certainly effective, mulch can also be messy and difficult to keep out of a swimming pool.

So if you’re looking for a low-maintenance alternative to mulch, consider using landscaping rock instead around your pool, such as river rock or lava rock.

As landscaping rock is a great way to add visual interest and texture to your landscape without all the mess.

Plus, it pretty much lasts forever and will stay looking nice much longer compared to mulch, which constantly needs to be refreshed.

Allowing you to spend more time enjoying the pool and less time taking care of the landscaping around it.

Use Rocks or Stone to Create an Outdoor Kitchen or Bar

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (17)

If you love to entertain, consider using rocks to create an outdoor kitchen or bar.

This can be done by incorporating elements such as stone countertops or using rock or stone around built-in grills, bars, or outdoor sinks to create a more spa-like or tropical feel to your poolscape.

Plus, using rocks to create an outdoor kitchen or bar is a great way to add more functionality to your poolscape and provide an additional poolside feature that people can congregate around.

Use Rocks to Form an Interior Island Within the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (18)

If you designing a new pool that will be inground, consider using rocks to create an interior island within the pool.

As this can add both function and beauty to your poolscape and provide a place for people to congregate or sunbathe while they’re in the pool.

Plus, it can also help to provide additional shade for people in the pool, if you add trees or large plants on the island.

Use Rocks to Landscape Sloped Ground Next to the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (19)


If you have a slope or hill next to your backyard pool, consider using rocks to landscape it, as this will help to prevent erosion and make the area more visually appealing.

Plus, it can also create a natural barrier between the pool and the slope.

Use Rocks to Create a Zen Garden Next to the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (20)

If you’re looking to create a more relaxing and serene poolscape, consider using rocks to create a Zen garden next to the swimming pool.

This can be done, by incorporating elements, such as water features, stone sculptures, and gravel paths around the pool.

Add Rocks to Form Interesting Pathways Around the Swimming Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (21)

If you have a large pool or a large poolscape, consider using rocks to create interesting pathways around the pool.

As this can help to define the different areas of your poolscape and make it more user-friendly as well as visually stimulating.

Plus, it can also add visual interest and help to lead the eye around the different features of your poolscape.

Build A Rock or Stone Wall to Create a Private Changing Area

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (22)

To add a changing area next to the pool, consider building a rock or stone wall to create a privacy screen for changing.

As this will provide privacy for changing, while also making the pool feel more like an oasis or tropical resort.

Add an Outdoor Stone Fireplace Next to the Swimming Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (23)

If you have a pool and you’re looking for a more unique way to use rocks in your landscaping, consider adding a stone fireplace.

A stone fireplace is a great way to add both function and beauty to your poolscape.

Plus, it’s also a great way to entertain guests and provide an additional gathering spot around the pool.

Use Rock or Stone to Construct Stairs Around the Swimming Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (24)

If you have a pool that is elevated or has stairs leading to it, consider using rock or stone to create those stairs.

As this can add both function and beauty to your poolscape and help to create a more seamless look between the pool and the rest of your landscaping.

Plus, it can also help to provide a more stable surface for people to walk on when they are going to and from the pool.

Add Stone Planters or Pots Around the Pool

25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (25)

Consider adding some stone planters or pots around the pool to add flowers and other small colorful plants to the poolscape.

As this is an excellent way to add some color and varying textures to your pool without having to do any major landscaping.

Wrap Up

As you can see, rocks can be used to create a variety of different landscape features around your pool.

From adding texture and visual interest, to creating pathways and outdoor seating areas.

Allowing you to add both functionality as well as beauty to your poolscape with just a few well-placed rocks.

So if you’re looking to give your pool a more natural look and feel or just want to take your poolscape to the next level, you should consider using rocks in your landscaping.

Additional Resources:

To see the best landscape fabric for rock, check out our article “7 Best Landscape Fabrics for Rock and Gravel“.

Jason Kidd

Jason is a full-time real estate agent and house flipper who has been a licensed Realtor since 2007 and to date has completed 16 flips. He is also a writer and the current editor for Flipping Prosperity.

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25 Must-See Pool Landscaping Ideas with Rocks | Flipping Prosperity (2024)


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Reclaimed bluestone, sandstone or porphyry may also be used for a stunning pool deck. Take for example the reclaimed sandstone sidewalk stone—a larger sized stone with a light sandy color makes it perfect for larger scale pool projects.

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Use rock rather than mulch in planting beds.

If possible, refrain from using mulch in planting beds in close proximity to the pool. Mulch can be displaced rather easily and, if used near the pool, will inevitably end up in the water. Save yourself the hassle by using decorative rock or gravel in its place.

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Commonly used in driveways, this stone is limestone, so it will corrode the metal liner around an above ground pool. Further, it is not barefoot friendly. Either River Jacks, Brown Landscape Stone, or Pure Red Landscape Stone is a necessity for around an above ground pool.

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Gravel or rock can be a perfect element to cover the area around a pool. It is aesthetically pleasing, there are a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes available to choose from, and it can add quite a bit of beauty to a well-designed backyard.


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