3/5 Profile - Martyr Heretic (2024)

We now get to the 3/5 profile. As this profile contains the enormous projection field of the 5, I recommend to you to read the first part of the 2/5 profile that deals with the 5, so you can understand this particular aspect of your profile more deeply.

When someone with the 3/5 profile doesn’t follow their natural genetic strategy and authority in life, they end up in a bottomless pit full of pessimism, victimhood, destroyed reputation, and paranoia. They see themselves as black sheep and keep running away their whole life. From what? From everything and everyone.

Someone with the Human Design 3/5 profile has the genetic imperative to discover in their life all the things that do NOT work. At first, that sounds negative to our mind, but they have an essential function contained within that. As each profile has its differentiated purpose, the 3/5 is here to sort everything out – through the process of trial and error – what practically doesn’t work and thus doesn’t serve life.

Induced by the conditioning of society and upbringing, those with the 3/5 profile have a very pessimistic view of themselves and the world. They see themselves often as victims and keep asking themselves, „Why me? How did I deserve this? Nothing in my life works!“

Thereby they are here to make a wide variety of different stimulating experiences in their life and consequently to enter many connections – and also to break them! Be it in their work-life, their relationships, with concepts, ideas, hobbies, etc. Essential here is „just“ (like with every profile and each aspect of the particular Human Design) to not make this decision based upon their mind but to follow their strategy and authority.

And the temptation to credit the mind is immense and often devastating, especially when this is defined within the Human Design chart.

People with the 3/5 profile have to learn based upon their strategy and authority early in life to discern what’s correct for them and what isn’t so that they don’t end up in pessimism but can show to all of us, what really works in life.

But to find this out, inevitably many things have to be discovered that doesn’t work and that is impractical. That is a process of discovery and not a problem or a flaw of these people. The strength of those with a 3/5 profile is to say, “Ok, I finally found something that really works and serves life. But let’s dispose of everything that doesn’t work because I have discovered all the things that don’t work so you don’t have to work your way through the process of trial and error. And I’ll show you immediately how you can implement it practically in your lives.“ These people are capable of initiating a profound transformation within a society, and they don’t give up. They are brave, resilient, have lots of endurance, and you want to have them around when the sh*t hits the fan.

People with the Human Design 3/5 profile are capable of going really deep without stopping, just because something is not working – because only this way they find those things with practical functionality and applicability in life and this way carry out a profound transformative influence on society.

Well, if they live their genetic strategy and authority!

(These are general statements about this profile, precise statements and how the profile expresses itself in the life of an individual can only be made, when the profile is being considered in the general context of the particular Human Design chart. If you’d like to understand and also live your Profile and your Human Desing more deeply, click HERE!)

Further profiles:

1/3 Profil – Investigator Martyr

1/4 Profil – Investigator Opportunist

2/4 Profil – Hermit Opportunist

2/5 Profile – Hermit Heretic

Human Design 3/5 Profile – Martyr Heretic

3/6 Profile – Martyr Role Model

4/6 Profile – Opportunist Role Model

4/1 Profile – Opportunist Investigator

5/1 Profile – Heretic Investigator

5/2 Profile- Heretic Hermit

6/2 Profile – Role Model Hermit

6/3 Profile – Role Model Martyr


Angelina Fabian

3/5 Profile - Martyr Heretic (1)

The 3/5 profile can find out through trial and error, what serves life practically and has thus the potential to transform society.

3/5 Profile - Martyr Heretic (2)

3/5 Profile - Martyr Heretic (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.