9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (2024)

Triumphant Union Jack Trifle

1 jar Cottage Delight Jubilee British Strawberry Jam; 135g pack raspberry jelly; 420g sponge swiss roll; 4tbsp cranberry juice; 500g strawberries, raspberries and blueberries; 480ml custard; 360ml whipped cream


Make your raspberry jelly in advance according to instructions. Pour it into a small rectangle or square baking tin, so it’s roughly 1 inch high. Leave it in the fridge to set. Chop your strawberries in half and then combine with raspberries and blueberries. Leave some fruit for decorating. Roughly chop your sponge swiss role into 2cm slices and your jelly into 3cm squares.

To assemble, line the bottom of a trifle bowl with half of your cake slices. Press slices half way up along the sides of the bowl. Drizzle cake slices with 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice. Add one third of the fresh fruit on top of cake, along with half of the jelly squares. Then, pour over half of the custard. Spoon over half of the jam evenly.

Repeat with the remaining cake slices, drizzling over two tablespoons of cranberry juice again. Add one third of fresh fruit and all the remaining jelly squares.

Pour over the leftover custard. Spoon over the rest of the jam. Scatter the remaining fruit over the top. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge for at least four to six hours or even better, overnight. When you’re ready to serve, add whipped cream on top alongside fruit to create a Union flag pattern.

Recipe from cottagedelight.co.uk

Orange and clotted cream cake

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (1)

Serves 8-10

For the cake

400g unsalted butter (at room temperature, soft); 400g caster sugar; 7 medium eggs (total weight 400g); 300g ground almonds; 100g self raising flour; 1tsp baking powder; 2 oranges (zested and the juice of one); 1tsp almond extract

For the frosting

350g full fat cream cheese; 140g icing sugar; 200mls double cream; 150g Cornish clotted cream; 1tsp vanilla essence or bean paste; 2 oranges (zested)


400g fresh raspberries; Handful of edible flowers (optional)


Preheat the oven to 160°C fan. Grease and line three 20cm deep cake tins. Cream together the butter and sugar until soft and pale for roughly two mins using an electric mixer. Add the eggs one at a time until fully incorporated. Gently fold the ground almonds, flour and baking powder into the mix with a pinch
of salt. Stir in the orange zest and juice, along with the almond essence .

Divide the mix between the three cake tins and place in the oven to bake for 35 mins. Check the cake is cooked by inserting a toothpick or skewer into the centre. If it is clean when removed, the cake is cooked. If it’s a little sticky, pop it back in the oven for another couple of minutes. Remove the cakes from the oven and allow to rest for five mins before removing from the tins onto a cooling rack.

While the cakes are cooling you can make the frosting. Using an electric mixer, place the cream and cream cheese into a bowl and mix together. Add the icing sugar, orange zest, a pinch of salt and vanilla extract. Mix together again until you get a nice thick frosting. Place in the fridge until ready to ice the cake. Once the cake is cooled, take the first sponge and place onto a plate or cake stand.

Spoon some of the frosting onto the cake and spread evenly. Take some fresh raspberries and dot them on the frosting. Place the next cake on top and repeat. Place the final cake on top and, using the remaining frosting, cover the cake sides and top. We like to do a naked look around the sides with a fuller top. Decorate with the remaining raspberries and some edible flowers then serve.

Recipe from trewithendairy.co.uk

Showstopping Victoria sponge cake

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (2)

335g self-raising flour; 335g unsalted butter, softened; 335g golden caster sugar; 3tsp baking powder; 6 large eggs; 2 lemons, grated zest 1 lemon, juice; The Great British Pantry Strawberry Preserve; 200g fresh raspberries; 100g fresh blueberries; 100g fresh strawberries; 600ml double cream


Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas 4. Grease three 25cm round loose bottomed sandwich tins and line with greaseproof paper. Sift the flour into a large bowl and add the butter, sugar, baking powder, eggs, lemon zest and juice. Mix together until smooth, fluffy and combined. Divide two-thirds of the mixture between two of the tins. Add half of the raspberries to the last third and mix, crushing some of the raspberries as you go. Put this mixture into the third tin.

Place the three tins in the oven and bake for 20 minutes until the sponges are risen and golden. The raspberry sponge may need another five minutes. Remove the tins from the oven and turn out the sponges on to a wire rack. Leave to cool. Whip the double cream thick enough to hold its shape. Spoon the cream into a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle.

Spread a thick layer of strawberry preserve on to one of the plain sponges, then pipe a layer of double cream. Gently place the raspberry sponge on top. Spread a thick layer of strawberry preserve on the raspberry sponge, then pipe a layer of double cream. Carefully place the last plain sponge on top, push down gently and check the layers are even. Top with the leftover cream, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries to create a Union flag.

Recipe: thegreatbritishpantry.co.uk

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Eton mess tarts

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (6)

Makes 8-10

For the pastry

225g plain flour; 75g caster sugar; 110g butter; 1 large free-range egg; 2-3tbsp water

For the filling

600ml double cream; 100g icing sugar; 1tsp vanilla paste; Approx. 30g meringue pieces; 10-15 strawberries, diced; Approx 150ml strawberry coulis

Preheat your oven to 160°C. To make the pastry, add the flour, sugar and butter to a mixer and blend to a breadcrumb texture. Combine the egg and water and add to the mixture. Blend again until it starts to come together. Transfer the pastry onto a lightly floured work surface and finish bringing the pastry together. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the pastry from the fridge. Roll out to approx 3-4mm thick and then cut out discs around 2-3cm bigger than your tart cases. Lay over the top of each of the tart cases. Carefully push the pastry into the tart cases and tuck the excess pastry into the side. Prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork, line with baking paper and fill with baking beans.

Refrigerate for a further 20-30 minutes before cooking. Cook the pastry tart cases for 15-18 minutes then remove the baking beans and baking paper and cook for a further five to eight minutes until golden brown. For the filling, add the cream and sugar to a bowl and whisk until soft peaks are formed. Transfer to the piping bag. To decorate, pipe some of the cream into each tart case and divide the strawberries, meringue pieces and coulis between the tarts.

Recipe from uk.russellhobbs.com

Raspberry fondant fancies

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (7)

Makes 25

For the sponge

175g softened butter or margarine 3 eggs, beaten; 175g self-raising flour, 2tsp reserved; 1tsp finely grated lemon zest; 150g raspberries

To decorate

150g marzipan; 400g ready-made vanilla or lemon butter cream at room temperature; 1kg fondant icing; Red and blue food colouring; 50g milk chocolate, melted


Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C/ gas mark 4. Line a 20cm square cake tin with parchment. For the sponge, put all the ingredients except the raspberries and reserved flour in a mixer and beat until well combined. Toss the raspberries in the reserved flour and fold into the mix. Spoon the sponge mix into the tin and bake for around 30 minutes until golden, springy and just pulling away from the edges.

Place on a wire rack to cool, then remove the cake paper and freeze for 20 minutes. Thinly roll out the marzipan. Remove the cake from the freezer and spread over a thin layer of buttercream. Top with the marzipan, trimming away any overhang. Cut the cake into 25 even pieces. Spread four sides of each cube with buttercream and pipe a small blob on top, then return to the freezer for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the fondant icing into pieces and place in a food mixer.

Starting it gently, beat until it breaks down, adding 150ml water in small amounts until you get an almost pouring consistency. Divide into three different bowls. Leave one white, add red colouring to one and blue to another, mixing to the desired shade. Spear the base of the first cake cube with a fork and dip it into the icing, lift it up twisting as you go to cover the whole cube and transfer to a wire rack to set. Repeat with all pieces to create a mix of red, white and blue fondant fancies. Once softly set, drizzle all the cakes with milk chocolate. Its easiest to do this with a piping bag and leave to set for a few minutes before serving.

Recipe from lovefreshberries.co.uk

Lemon and rose Battenburg cakes

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (8)

180g butter, at room temperature; 180g caster sugar; 3 eggs; 90g self-raising flour; 90g ground almonds; 1tsp baking powder; ½tsp fine salt; Zest of ½ a lemon; 1tsp rose water; Dab of pink gel food colouring; 750g white marzipan; 200g apricot jam


Heat the oven to 170°C and line the tin with baking paper, including the sides. Cut a piece of foil the width of the tin, fold in half, then set like a tent in the centre of the tin – this is to create two separate sections in which to bake the two sponges. Place the butter and caster sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer, and cream until pale and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing until smooth after each addition, then
add the flour, ground almonds, baking powder and salt and mix until just combined.

Decant half of the cake batter into a separate bowl. Add the lemon zest to the first bowl, and mix to combine. Add the rose water and a dab of food colouring to the second bowl and mix until the colour is even. Scrape both mixes into the tin – one in each side – spread into an even layer and level the surface, then bake for 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the centre of each sponge comes out clean. Allow to cool completely on a wire rack. The Battenburgs are easier to cut and assemble the day after baking.

When you are ready to assemble the Battenburgs, carefully trim the edges and surface of each cake so you have an even, sharp-edged rectangle. Check that both cakes are the same height, carefully levelling off the taller if needs be. Measure the height of each sponge, then cut stripes in the same width lengthways – you should be able to get six strips of each colour, enough to make three individual Battenburgs.

Assemble them one at a time, taking two stripes of each colour to make each cake. Roll out a third of the marzipan to just a few millimetres thick on a large sheet of clingfilm, working to get this approximately the same length as the cake strips. Warm the apricot jam in a pan. Using a pastry brush, brush a thin coating of jam on each of the long sides of each stripe of cake, then assemble in a two-up, two-down chequerboard arrangement.

Brush the rolled marzipan with jam, then carefully set the cake on top of it. Carefully use the cling film to roll the cake in marzipan, cutting away any significant excess and then wrapping the coated cake in the clingfilm. Reserve any marzipan that is not jammy or cakey to use on the other battenburgs. While the cake is wrapped, gently push the sides to ensure you maintain sharp edges and a square shape.

Place in the fridge to chill for a few hours, then discard the cling film and neatly slice each end to cut away any excess marzipan or cake and create a sharp, chequerboard face to the cake. Repeat to make the other two cakes.

Recipe from Postal Bakes by Lucy Burton, Welbeck Publishing, £16.99

Earl Grey and Maple cupcakes

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (9)

Makes 12

6tbsp whole milk; 2 Earl Grey tea bags; 250g unsalted butter; 250g maple sugar; 4 eggs; 230g self-raising flour; 1tbsp maple syrup – preferably amber syrup for its rich taste

For the topping

200g cream cheese, softened; 100g butter, softened; 1/2tsp pure vanilla extract; 50ml pure Canadian maple syrup (preferably amber syrup for its rich taste)


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bring the milk to a simmer, then take off the heat and add the tea bags. Allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with paper cases. Put the unsalted butter and maple sugar in a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric whisk for two to three minutes (or by hand with a wooden spoon for longer) until pale and fluffy.

Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the maple syrup and beat briefly to combine. Gently fold in the flour and the infused milk, which will have cooled slightly by now. Divide the batter between the cases, then bake for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Transfer the cakes to a wire rack and leave to cool completely. Beat together the cream cheese and butter in a bowl until light and fluffy. Then add the vanilla and maple syrup. Pipe the buttercream on top of each cupcake and serve.

Recipe: maplefromcanada.co.uk

Home baked fruit scones

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (10)

Makes 12

300g self-raising flour; ½tsp baking powder; Pinch of salt; 75g butter; 75g caster sugar; 75g sultanas; 2tbsps natural yoghurt; Milk to mix (around 300ml)


Preheat an oven on the fan setting at 180°C. Place the flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl and stir together. Rub in the butter. Add the sugar, sultanas and yoghurt and enough milk to bind into a light, sticky dough. Handle the mixture as little as possible but bring together and transfer on to a lightly floured work surface. Gently pat out the dough to 2.5cm thick. Cut out the scones using a 5cm cutter and place on a lightly floured baking tray.

Bake for 20 minutes until well risen and lightly golden. Once baked, transfer to a wire rack. Serve slightly warm with jam and butter, or cream.

Recipe from derkern.miele.co.uk

Lemon Curd Meringue Cupcakes

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (11)

Makes 12

For the cupcakes

125g salted butter; 155g caster sugar; 2tsp lemon zest; 155g lemon curd; 2 eggs; 150g self-raising flour; 150g plain flour; 125ml milk

For the meringue

4 egg whites; 215g caster sugar


Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas 4 then line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper cases. Use electric beaters to beat the butter, sugar and lemon zest until pale and creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the flours and milk until combined. Divide mixture into paper cases. Bake for 20 minutes.

Once cooked, cut a deep hole from the centre of each cake and spoon in 1tbs of lemon curd. For the meringues, whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form. Continue whisking and gradually add sugar, one tablespoon at a time. Continue whisking until all sugar dissolves. Pipe meringue over each cupcake. Use a cook’s blowtorch to lightly toast meringues or bake again for three-five minutes, until toasted.

Recipe from cottagedelight.co.uk

9 easy Platinum Jubilee recipes to make this weekend, from Earl Grey cupcakes to fruit scones (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.