Christmas stuffing recipes (2024)

Showing 1 to 24 of 43 results

  • A star rating of 4.9 out of 5.85 ratings

    A slice of our classic sausage, sage and onion stuffing is a must-have for Christmas dinner. It's also great as a side with your Sunday roast

    • 1 hr
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Make this stuffing ahead for a versatile addition to your Christmas spread. It serves a double duty as a vegetarian main and special side dish for turkey

    • 1 hr 45 mins
    • More effort
    • Vegetarian
  • A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Use shop-bought stuffing and a fruit-and-nut snack pack for this easy recipe. You could also roll the mix into 12-18 balls rather than make a traybake

    • 45 mins
    • Easy
  • Sage and onion stuffing

    A star rating of 4.6 out of 5.26 ratings

    Complete a roast dinner with sage and onion stuffing. Make it even easier by packing the mixture into a small baking dish instead of rolling into balls

    • 55 mins
    • Easy
    • Vegetarian
  • A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Make these festive stuffing balls at Christmas. Roast them on the same tray as your pigs-in-blankets or alongside your turkey to save oven space

    • 1 hr 30 mins
    • Easy
  • Garlic and herb stuffed tender turkey crown

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Hosting Christmas dinner for six? This turkey crown is a great option. The garlic and herb stuffing adds loads of flavour while keeping the meat juicy

    • 2 hrs 20 mins
    • Easy
  • Cornbread stuffing

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Enjoy our cornbread stuffing at a Thanksgiving banquet or alongside a special Sunday roast. It features bacon, but this can be omitted for a vegetarian stuffing

    • 2 hrs 10 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.4 ratings

    Serve up a winter feast with our roast pork loin and homemade sage and onion stuffing. Carve the joint into pork chops and enjoy with sweet apples and crisp roasties

    • 3 hrs 20 mins
    • More effort
  • Baked anchovy-stuffed red mullet with fennel

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Make the most of wonderful red mullet with this anchovy-stuffed version with fennel. There’s quite a lot of stuffing, but let it spill out into the dish

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
  • Thanksgiving stuffing

    A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Get set for a Thanksgiving feast and bake this special stuffing for the celebrations. You can make it with any stale bread, but sourdough works well

    • 2 hrs
    • Easy
  • Easy vegetarian stuffing

    A star rating of 3.5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Our easy, vegetarian stuffing is full of rich flavours and is the ideal side dish for a Sunday roast or Christmas dinner.

    • 1 hr
    • Easy
    • Vegetarian
  • Crispy traybake stuffing

    A star rating of 5 out of 5.8 ratings

    If your favourite part of the stuffing is the crispy bits, you'll love this recipe. It can be prepped up to two days in advance, then baked on the day

    • 45 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.4 ratings

    Make a fun little play on pigs in blankets for your Christmas dinner, with the addition of a flavourful sausage stuffing. They make the perfect festive side

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Make homemade stuffing to serve with a Sunday roast or Christmas dinner. Made with sourdough, sausagemeat, onion, apple and sage, it's full of flavour

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 0 out of 5.0 ratings

    Enjoy these cheese, sage and onion stuffing balls with your Christmas dinner or Sunday roast. With a cheesy twist, they make a moreish side dish

    • 1 hr 5 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 4.7 out of 5.3 ratings

    Get friends and family round for an Easter lunch and make this crown of lamb a special centrepiece – your butcher could prep it, or follow our tips

    • 1 hr 5 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.32 ratings

    Fantastic as part of your Christmas lunch – so much more than just a stuffing for the turkey

    • 45 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Prep this sausage, kale and bread stuffing up to two days in advance, then bake on the day. If your favourite part of stuffing is the crispy bits, you’ll love this recipe

    • 1 hr 10 mins
    • Easy
  • Pigs-in-blankets Christmas stuffing balls

    A star rating of 4.8 out of 5.21 ratings

    Treat yourself at Christmas with these moreish stuffing balls. The sausagemeat and bacon add the ‘pigs in blankets’ flavour, while cranberries make them taste extra festive

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 4.9 out of 5.8 ratings

    This recipe will give you enough to stuff the Christmas turkey and also make a tasty stuffing loaf

    • 1 hr 35 mins
    • Easy
  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.2 ratings

    Save time on Christmas Day and make this apricot and pistachio stuffing on Christmas Eve. It makes an excellent accompaniment to festive turkey

    • 1 hr 5 mins
    • Easy
    • Vegetarian
  • A star rating of 5 out of 5.3 ratings

    This recipe makes enough smoked pancetta, orange zest and sage stuffing for a 4.5kg turkey - or roll into balls and bake

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
  • Vegan stuffing

    A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.6 ratings

    Make these red onion, lentil and sage vegan stuffing balls for a welcome addition to any festive feast. Linseeds, pecans, hazelnuts and pistachios pack in a classic crunch

    • 50 mins
    • Easy
    • Vegan
Christmas stuffing recipes (2024)


What is Christmas stuffing made of? ›

Ground pork, seasoned and mixed with grated apple, chopped dried apricots, pistachio nuts, parsley, lemon zest and sage. Gordon Ramsay rolls the stuffing in sage leaves for presentation, and hides a spicy sausage surprise in the middle. The whole lot is rolled in tinfoil and baked in the oven.

What can I add to stuffing for more flavor? ›

Fruit, especially dried fruit like raisins, cranberries, figs and apricots can seriously improve a dreary box of stuffing. That bit of sweetness plays beautifully with other flavors on the table. I've found that fresh fruits like apples and pears are stellar as well.

Is it better to make stuffing the night before? ›

Absolutely. Most Thanksgiving stuffing recipes can be made at least partially in advance since: A) They're easily assembled a day or two ahead of Thanksgiving Day; and B) They're often baked using a two-step process (once covered with foil to cook through, then uncovered to achieve a crispy top).

What is British stuffing made of? ›

Stuffing consists of a mixture of savoury ingredients such as breadcrumbs, herbs, fruit, nuts, sausagemeat and onion which are bound together with egg or liquid to form a semi-solid mixture. It is usually cooked with roast meat such as chicken, pork or lamb and is served as an accompaniment to the sliced, cooked meat.

What does adding egg to stuffing do? ›

Eggs: Two lightly beaten eggs help hold the dressing together and add moisture.

Is stock or broth better for stuffing? ›

Homemade stock is the best, but if you don't have homemade, a good store bought stock will work as well. If you use a store bought stock, try to buy one with no/low sodium. I personally have started using bone broth in my stuffing and LOVE it.

Should you stir stuffing? ›

The bread in the stuffing absorbs moisture, but if it's dry (as it should be, see above), it takes some time for the liquid to settle in. I suggest adding a little at a time, say 1 cup of broth for every 4 cups of dry mix. Give it a good stir, then let it sit for a minute. The stuffing should be moist but not wet.

Is it better to make stuffing with fresh or dry bread? ›

Any attempts to make stuffing with soft, fresh baked bread will result in a bread soup with a soggy texture. Follow this tip: Stale, dried-out bread makes the best stuffing.

What is the origin of Christmas stuffing? ›

The earliest written evidence is in a Roman cookbook entitled Apicius De Re Coquinaria. It has recipes for stuffed chicken, pig, hare and dormouse, using ingredients such as vegetables, herbs, nuts, spelt (a type of grain), plus brains, liver and other organs.

Do you have stuffing at Christmas? ›

It is standard at Thanksgiving to serve a big turkey, which of course you would stuff. Turkey is not uncommon at Christmas, and the more traditional Christmas goose would also be stuffed.

Does stove top stuffing taste good? ›

The verdict: It's often said that we eat with our eyes first, and Stove Top's Traditional Sage stuffing was far and away the most visually appealing. Tasters appreciated that there was a a decent crunch in each bite, but we were most impressed by its seasoning.

Why can't you refrigerate uncooked stuffing? ›

USDA recommends that you never refrigerate uncooked stuffing. Why? Remember, stuffing can harbor bacteria, and though bacteria grow slower in the refrigerator they can cause problems because stuffing is a good medium for bacteria growth, therefore a higher risk food in terms of cooking safely.

How soggy should stuffing be before baking? ›

We recommend adding stock a little at a time--1/2 cup to 1 cup, depending on how much stuffing you're making--and waiting for the bread to absorb the liquid before adding more. Once the bread is moist but not sitting in a pool of stock, it's ready.

What is Thanksgiving stuffing made of? ›

The BEST traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing recipe is easy to make dried bread cubes, sausage, diced vegetables, and chicken broth. It's a great side dish to make ahead of time and it definitely tastes best homemade! Pair this easy homemade stuffing with our popular turkey recipe, homemade rolls, and Thanksgiving pie.

What is the difference between Thanksgiving dressing and stuffing? ›

"Stuffing is cooked in the cavity of the turkey, so the juices soak into the ingredients, making it more flavorful. Dressing gets cooked on its own and needs extra liquid to make it flavorful." So stuffing is cooked inside the bird. Dressing is cooked outside the bird, usually in a casserole dish.

Can you eat stuffing for Christmas? ›

It's fine to eat leftover stuffing cold, or you can reheat it, covered, fully before serving.


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