Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (2024)


Treehugger Voices

From attracting pollinators to helping with pests, these flowers can be great allies to your vegetables.


Elizabeth Waddington

Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (1)

Elizabeth Waddington

Writer, Permaculture Designer, Sustainability Consultant

  • University of St Andrews (MA)

Elizabeth has worked since 2010 as a freelance writer and consultant covering gardening, permaculture, and sustainable living. She has also written a number of books and e-books on gardens and gardening.

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Published March 12, 2021 10:51AM EST

A successful vegetable garden should not only contain vegetables. It should be a diverse planting scheme, or polyculture, that also includes herbs and a range of flowers. In an organic garden, diversity is key. Biodiverse ecosystems with plenty of beneficial interactions are far more resilient and stable than their mono-crop counterparts. And planting specific plants next to each other, known as companion planting, can be very beneficial.

For example, flowers in a vegetable garden can draw in pollinators, help with pests, and provide a range of environmental benefits. But which flowers should you choose for your companion planting scheme?

Perennial flowering plants are integral parts of an organic garden. They are planted in forest garden schemes, ornamental beds, and wildlife borders. But in a polyculture garden in which a crop rotation plan is implemented, annuals (or flowering plants treated as annuals in your climate zone) can be the best choices for companion planting.

Here are some flowers that I find work very well when integrated amongst vegetables in a plot. (Remember to check which plants are recommended (or not) for your area, and check for toxicity if you have children or pets.)

French Marigold (Tagetes patula)

French marigolds are perhaps one of the best-known flowers to use as companion plants in a vegetable garden. Marigold blooms attract bees and other pollinators and produce compounds in their root systems that may aid in killing non-beneficial nematodes in the soil.

When particular French marigolds (Goldie, Nemagold, Petite Gold, Petite Harmony, and Tangerine are said to be more effective than other cultivars) are infested with particular nematodes they kill them off in that particular spot and reduce their numbers when grown there over a period of several months. They may also repel nematodes in the surrounding area – but science has not thus far confirmed whether this is the case. In any case, they still attract pollinators and other beneficial insects and look great scattered through a garden.

Calendula (Pot Marigold) (Calendula officinalis)

Not to be confused with the above, pot marigolds, or calendula, are also great for attracting a range of pollinators and predatory insects. The thick fibrous roots of this plant can also aid in protecting the soil, which makes this a useful ground cover crop. And the bright blooms not only look good and prove useful in the garden, they also have a range of uses around the home.

Borage (Borago officinalis)

Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (2)

Borage is one of my favorite bee-friendly flowers – and a great edible flower too. The blue flowers fill with nectar at an astonishing rate, replenishing their stores much faster than many other flowering plants. In my garden, borage self-seeds readily, returning each year. It serves, also, as a trap crop for aphids, and so attracts those insects which eat them too. It breaks up and aerates the soil with its roots, and is a dynamic accumulator of nutrients that can not only be used as a living companion plant but which can also be chopped and dropped, turned into a liquid feed, or added to a composting system.

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)

There are plenty of hardy annuals which can be great for inclusion in a polyculture vegetable garden. Cornflower is one pretty and useful example. Like borage, is has been shown to be a great nectary plant – another of the best bee-friendly plants for many vegetable gardens. The seeds of this flowering plant are also well-loved by the European goldfinch. It has also been shown to produce chemicals which attract Microplitis mediator (a major parasitoid of the cabbage moth) and so can be used in pest control in Brassicas.

Sunflowers (Helianthemum annuum)

Sunflowers are another great choice for your vegetable garden. They not only provide edible seeds and petals, but also serve as support or shade for other plants. Their large and cheerful blooms really brighten up edible landscaping, and give height and structure to planting areas. While very useful in certain spots, however, it is important to note that they can inhibit the growth of certain other plants grown close by. Keep them away from potatoes, for example.

Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus)

Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (3)

Nasturtiums can be sprawling plants, and may have a tendency to take over somewhat in some areas. However, in cooler temperate climates they can be much better behaved. I find that they make a great trap crop for certain pests, and as an attractant of beneficial species. And their many edible yields – flowers, peppery leaves, buds, and seeds – means that they can be a great value plant for a vegetable garden.

Amaranth (Amaranthus)

In my polytunnel, I experimented with growing some amaranth and quinoa for seed, and have allowed some to self-seed naturally and pop up between other plants. Amaranth has done well, providing leaves and seeds as additional yields and attracting insects while in flower. These attractive plants also look good amongst the summer crops.

Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Chickweed pops up as a weed where I live. But this is one weed I want. It is a great living mulch between other crops. We feed some to our chickens, and also enjoy eating some of the crisp stems and leaves in a mixed salad ourselves. The star-like flowers are very small – but look lovely when they appear in profusion – especially striking against the darker green leaves of kale or other Brassicas.


Phacelia also works well as a living mulch between other crops, when you can allow it to flower, as well as being used as a green manure for chopping and dropping. It not only helps to protect the soil but also attracts bees, hoverflies etc. In certain areas, this plant will self-seed readily.

Red Clover

Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (4)

While I keep perennial white clover to the forest garden and other perennial parts of the garden, annual summer clovers like red clover can work very well as intercropping or companion planting in an annual area. This is a nitrogen fixer. And also works well to attract beneficial insects when in flower.

These are but a few ideas for you to investigate further, there are plenty of other options – and companion planting is definitely not an exact science. But why not experiment to see which flowers work well among the crops in your vegetable garden?

12 Companion Plants to Grow Alongside Your Tomatoes

Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables (2024)


Flowers I Like to Companion Plant With Vegetables? ›

The Best Flowers to Plant in a Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden
A vegetable garden (also known as a vegetable patch or vegetable plot) is a garden that exists to grow vegetables and other plants useful for human consumption, in contrast to a flower garden that exists for aesthetic purposes. It is a small-scale form of vegetable growing. › wiki › Kitchen_garden
to Deter Pests. The best flowers for deterring pests are marigolds, sage, lavender, borage, catmint, and geraniums. Marigolds are probably the most well known of these options because of their natural ability to repel nematodes.

What flowers make good companion plants for vegetables? ›

French marigolds are perhaps one of the best-known flowers to use as companion plants in a vegetable garden. Marigold blooms attract bees and other pollinators and produce compounds in their root systems that may aid in killing non-beneficial nematodes in the soil.

What flowers should not be planted near vegetables? ›

Oleander and Foxglove, while beautiful, shouldn't be planted near your vegetables. All parts of these plants are toxic and harmful to your health. Gladiolus should be kept out of the garden especially if you're growing legumes like peas and beans.

What are the best pollinator flowers for vegetable gardens? ›

Other pollinator-attracting annuals include zinnias, sunflowers, cosmos, lantana, tithonia, and snapdragons. Look for plants that have simple flowers—double-petalled, frilly flowers make it harder for pollinators to reach the nectar and pollen.

What flowers are good for garden beds? ›

Popular annual flowers for raised beds include marigolds, petunias, snapdragons, pansies, and impatiens. These types of flower beds are also perfect for starting a cut flower garden with annual flowers such as zinnias, cosmos, larkspur, bachelor buttons, and dahlias.

What flower keeps bugs away from vegetables? ›

Nasturtiums. If aphids are chewing up your garden, it's time to plant some nasturtiums. Easy to grow and pretty in bloom, nasturtiums repel aphids, squash bugs, striped pumpkin beetles, and whiteflies. Plant nasturtiums near beans, cabbages, and cucumbers to ensure an insect-free growing season.

Should flowers be planted in vegetable garden? ›

Companion planting flowers and vegetables in the same beds is a strategy professional growers use to boost yields and keep crops healthy, and it's easy and beneficial for beginners to do, too.

Can flowers pollinate vegetables? ›

Squashes, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplant, okra, watermelons, and muskmelons must be pollinated by insects transferring pollen. Incomplete pollination of vegetables may result in misshaped or undersized fruits. Planting flowers near or in the vegetable garden is one way to assist the pollinators in your vegetables.

What flower attracts the most pollinators? ›

Bees prefer blue, purple, and yellow flowers, and sweet fragrances. They see ultraviolet colors – found on the flowers such as buttercups and black-eyed Susans. Golden currant, serviceberry, and chokecherry flower early in March and attract bumble bees and mason bees.

How do I increase pollination in my vegetable garden? ›

Here's how to help pollinators thrive:
  1. Native plants are the way to go! Pollinators that are local to your area have long fed on plants that are local to the area. ...
  2. Avoid hybrid plants. ...
  3. Think year-round blooming. ...
  4. Provide food and water sources. ...
  5. Plant in big batches. ...
  6. Provide areas of shelter.
Apr 12, 2021

What is a good layout for a vegetable garden? ›

Rows Vegetable Garden Layout Plan

The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

How do you arrange flowers in a garden bed? ›

In general, plants in borders are arranged with tall plants (taller than 2 to 3 feet) placed in the back, mid-size plants (10 inches to 2 to 3 feet tall) in the middle, and short plants (less than 10 inches) in the front of the bed. It is best to use groupings or drifts of plants for a natural feel.

Why plant marigolds in your vegetable garden? ›

They don't just draw in those pollinators, they also draw in insects to help you in organic pest control. Marigolds can help to bring in ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies, parasitic mini-wasps and other predatory insects that will eat aphids and other pests which can damage your crops.

Can you plant flowers and vegetables in the same planter? ›

You may be surprised to find that you can also add flowers to the same containers, mixed together with your vegetables. Many of your favorite ornamental plants make great companion flowers for vegetables. This is what I call a perfect marriage of plants—beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in a single container.

What vegetables grow well with marigolds? ›

Marigold companion planting enhances the growth of basil, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, gourds, kale, potatoes, squash and tomatoes. Marigold also makes a good companion plant to melons because it deters beetles. Beans and cabbage are listed as bad companion plants for marigolds.


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