How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening (2024)

How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening (1)

Tony O'Neill( Expert Gardener, Best Selling Author. )

Tony O’Neill, expert gardener and best-selling author of the famous “Simplify Vegetable Gardening,” “Composting Masterclass,” and “Your First Vegetable Garden,” combines lifelong passion and expert knowledge to simplify gardening. His mission? Helping you cultivate a thriving garden. More on Tony O’Neill

Strawberry plants require plenty of room and nourishment to grow correctly. They need an abundance of sunlight, making it impossible for them to be grown indoors. Furthermore, it’s crucial for the soil they are planted in to be well-drained, a condition that typically requires a considerable amount of time to setup in a garden. Excessively moist soil can expose the plant to diseases, which could ultimately lead to the death of your plants.

Strawberries are easy to grow and need only four things: soil, sunshine, water, and fertilizer. However, it can take up to two years for the plant to produce enough fruit for you to eat. The best time for strawberry plants is between spring and when the temperature is cool.

There are some steps you can take to make growing strawberries easier. The first step is to select the best strawberry variety. Once you’ve decided on a type of strawberry, it’s time to start planning your strawberry garden.

Table of Contents

9 Steps to Growing Your Strawberries

How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening (2)

You can grow your strawberries in cool climates and plant them in the spring, but you should not plant too deeply and water frequently. They need a certain level of sunlight and warmth to thrive.

The nine steps to growing your strawberries:

  • Prepare the soil properly
  • Plant the strawberry seedlings
  • Water with a wet sponge
  • Thin the plants
  • Fertilize regularly
  • Mulch with straw or hay
  • Apply weed control sprays when needed
  • Remove weeds by hand or pull them up with a hoe
  • Harvest strawberries when they are ready

Expert Tips for Growing Strawberries

Expert tips for growing strawberries are essential for strawberry gardeners.

There are many solutions available to growers to keep their yields high. One is strawberry cover crops in-between strawberry rows to help with weed control, soil fertility, and low nutrient levels.

Use a thick layer of straw on top of the soil during winter and early spring while waiting for planted seedlings to grow out and start fruiting.

What Is the Best Time of Year To Plant Strawberries?

The best time of year to plant strawberries is in the latter part of spring or the beginning of summer.

The deep roots of strawberries and large taproots make them survive under most conditions, but they require a lot of water and nutrients and a long growing season. Planting strawberries in late spring and early summer ensures they will grow more quickly and produce more fruit for harvest by fall.

Gardeners plant strawberry plants in March or April, but the best time to plant them is when the soil temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius.

Since people plant strawberries in different parts of the world, you need to consider what time of year your location is. It’s essential because many strawberries will not grow if planted in winter or early spring.

The best time to plant strawberries is between mid-April and late August.

How To Grow Strawberries the Eco-Friendly Way

Strawberries come in a variety of colors and can be grown in different types of climates.
Here are some ways you can grow strawberries:

  • Plant them in rich soil. Ensure the soil is well-drained, not too thin or deep, and has a pH between 6.0-7.0.
  • Plant the strawberry about six inches apart from each other, three feet between rows.
  • Water strawberries generously until they are established (about six weeks).

Can I Plant Strawberries in a Container in the Garden?

While it may seem like there is no way to grow strawberries without their natural environment, there are ways to grow them in containers. One of the simplest options is to use a plastic pot with an inch of moistened sphagnum moss on top and plant strawberry plants through the holes you made with your fingers.

It seems like an easy option to grow your favorite fruit, but it has limitations. There are many benefits of using containers. However, if you live in an urban area, you may not plant strawberries in a container.

If you want to grow some strawberries in containers in your house, you should consider planting them on a balcony or patio. If you have enough sunlight, the plants will grow well and produce fruit for your family.

Strawberries are a popular fruit to grow indoors and outdoors. However, before you plant them on your patio or balcony, you must ensure that you have a suitable container and tools.

Here are what you need.

Containers for strawberries come in various shapes and sizes; square, round, rectangular, and square-shaped cans are the most common.

You need an organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion and plant stakes to keep the plants upright during their first week of growth.

How To Choose the Right Location For Growing Your Strawberry Plants

To grow your strawberry plants, you will need a place that can offer the following things:

  • Light
  • Moisture
  • Easy access to water
  • Good drainage
  • Space for fruit plants.

Successful Strawberry Growing Techniques

Here are successful strawberry-growing techniques:

  • The essential decision in strawberry growing is the choice of location
  • Strawberry plants need a lot of water
  • In areas with less rainfall, growers should use drip irrigation systems to ensure the plant gets enough water when needed.
  • Growers should not over-fertilize their strawberries since they have a low tolerance for a high concentration of nutrients in their soil.

How To Prepare Soil for Strawberries Planting

Strawberry plants need warm, damp, and well-drained soil. If you have a garden, you can grow strawberries by following these instructions.

Growing strawberries from scratch is easy as long as you have the appropriate conditions for them to thrive in your garden. To produce these beautiful fruits, you must prepare the soil first.

First, remove all weeds and plant annual flowers that fertilize the area with their nutrients. Next, you till the soil with a shovel or cultivator until it is about 3 inches deep, and then mix some compost or peat moss into it. Finally, water the ground thoroughly and use a strawberry plant starter kit to ensure good plant health.

Another way to grow strawberries after soil preparation

Growing strawberries is easy to start a harvest without using chemicals and pesticides. Just follow these steps.

  • Plant strawberries in your garden.
  • Give them space to grow and mature – about 6-10 feet apart is ideal for strawberry plants.
  • Please provide them with an organic fertilizer when you see new leaves sprouting up from the ground. It promotes healthy growth for the plant and produces bigger berries for harvest later on. You can use compost or blood meal along with cow manure or fish emulsion, depending on what you have available in your area.
  • Water your strawberry

How To Prepare Your Garden For a Great Strawberry Harvest

Different types of strawberry varieties are available all year round. These vary in taste, size, color, and seasonality. You can have the best harvest with the correct knowledge of growing strawberries.

There are many ways to prepare your garden for a great strawberry harvest. You need to know what type of strawberries you want to grow and research how to care for them well before planting them.

You can start by digging around the plants you want to grow. If you are planting in pots, transplanting them in the garden is also an option. Lastly, consider adding mulch to retain moisture and protect against weeds!

Factors To Consider When Selecting Strawberries To Grow

The factors that may impact strawberry yield include:


It would be best to water strawberries regularly, or they will die. The optimal temperature range for strawberry plants is between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit.


It should be rich in nutrients but easy to dig so the roots can grow. The best way to test whether your soil is suitable for strawberries is by adding compost or manure and seeing if the plants thrive.


Nutrients should be balanced because too much of one thing can cause problems like blossom drop, rotting of the fruit at the bottom of the plant, and other nutrient deficiencies.

What Kind of Soil Do You Need for Growing Strawberries?

Fruit trees can grow in many soil types, but strawberries need much water and nutrients to thrive, and well-drained soil is best. They thrive in deep loam, so they don’t experience the same problem as other crops when waterlogged or acidic.

If you have heavy clay soils that are difficult to drain, add topsoil from elsewhere before planting your strawberries.

Choosing Types of Strawberries To Grow

Strawberries are one of the most versatile fruits to grow in your garden. You can grow many strawberries, but not all suit your garden. Here are the types of strawberries you can choose to increase.

June Berry

These berries have large, juicy berries with a sweet taste. These berries are the most popular strawberry type.


How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening (3)

These strawberries have small, pointed berries that store for a long time and have a tart flavor. This type of strawberry is best suited for colder areas or places with shorter growing seasons. This type of fruit is called day-neutral strawberries because it will produce fruit throughout the year if planted in gardens with 6 hours of sunlight per day or less.

Dwarf Everbearing

Dwarf everbearing strawberry plants are short, compact plants that produce medium-sized fruit that you can pick ripe in a few weeks.

I have a video showing tips on growing strawberries. You can watch it below.

How To Care for Your Strawberry for a Great Harvest

One way of caring for your strawberry is by following these simple steps.

In the fall, choose a trellis to plant your strawberry seeds in. You can plant them in a pot or garden planter if you don’t have them.

Take the time to prepare the soil around your strawberry before planting it, giving it plenty of room for roots to grow and grow strong. After the first season of growth, check the plants every few weeks to see how they’re doing and if they need more fertilizer or water.

Once spring arrives, watch those plants grow into full mounds of delicious berries!

Water strawberries consistently to prevent them from drying out and getting too dark. They should also get sunlight to help grow their leaves and stems and avoid the dangers of bacterial blights that could damage or kill them quickly.

This is because they are delicate plants with a short life cycle. They don’t tolerate neglect and must be watered regularly with rain or distilled water. This is because the roots are shallow, so the plants cannot absorb moisture from the soil.

Strawberries should always have plenty of space for air circulation. They should be given water deeply once or twice a week, but never during intense heat or frosty weather.

Most importantly, strawberries must not be overwatered! Some plants will naturally grow taller than others because they have more nutrients from the soil through their roots.

If you see your strawberry plants growing too tall, you can use mulch around them to prevent them from spreading too far across the ground and causing other plants problems with their roots.

FAQs on How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest

Can you grow a strawberry plant from a strawberry?

The answer is no if you want to plant a full strawberry, fertilize it, and enjoy delicious berries in a few months. If you dry out a single strawberry and subject the parts to a cold treatment before planting them, you can develop strawberry plants from a single strawberry.

Should you pick the flowers off strawberry plants?

All June-bearing strawberries should have their flowers removed during the first growing season. Allowing the blossoms to mature into berries will diminish plant growth, runner output, and crop size the following year.

What can I plant next to strawberries?

Beans, spinach, chives, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes, and borage grow well with strawberries.

Conclusion on how to grow strawberries

Strawberries are easy to grow, and you can plant them at any time of the year. If you’re looking for ways to get better strawberries for your garden, you should consider making your strawberry patch. By growing them yourself, you’ll get more strawberries in less time.

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How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening (2024)


How To Grow Strawberries for a Great Harvest - Simplify Gardening? ›

Give plants 1 to 1.5 inches of water weekly, and avoid wetting the leaves. Promote excellent fruit production by keeping plants fed with a continuous-release fertilizer. Harvest ripe strawberries in the cool of morning and refrigerate them right away.

How to maximize strawberry production? ›

Supporting pollinators, protecting from frost/freeze, managing nutrients, managing diseases and insect pests, irrigating, and managing weeds all help increase fruit size and marketable yield.

What is the pattern for planting strawberries? ›

Plant spacing

There are many methods of row planting that work well for strawberries, but by far the most common method is the matted row system: Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart. Space rows 3 to 4 feet apart.

What is the growth process of a strawberry plant? ›

Strawberries are quick-maturing plants that can produce fruits within three months of planting. Depending on the variety, strawberries take 60 to 90 days to mature from bare root crowns or plugs. However, June-bearing and everbearing plants don't produce prolific yields until the following year.

How can I make my strawberries grow bigger and sweeter? ›

Strawberries perform best in well-drained, fertile, and slightly acidic soils. In fact, these plants tend to yield more and are sweeter when grown in compost-enriched, sandy soil.

What is the best thing to feed strawberry plants? ›

In early spring, feed strawberry plants growing in the ground with a high potassium general fertiliser, such as Vitax Q4 or blood, fish and bonemeal. Scatter half a handful per square metre/yard around the plants.

Do strawberries need a lot of water? ›

During normal weather conditions, strawberries need water equal to 1 to 1.5 inches of rain each week. During hot, dry periods, water as needed to prevent shallow roots from drying out. Plants in containers may need daily watering. Always water early in the day so that foliage dries well before nightfall.

What temperature do strawberries grow best at? ›

Growing Conditions

Growing strawberries requires temperatures between 50°F–80°F and less than 14 hours of daylight for the strawberries to flower and produce fruit. In Florida, these conditions occur throughout the fall, winter, and spring.

How deep does soil need to be for strawberries? ›

Strawberry plants require 6-12 inches of growing room for their roots. For a typically-sized 4×8 foot bed that is 6 inches deep, you'll need 16 cubic feet of soil.

What is the lifespan of a strawberry plant? ›

Their lifespan can vary depending on various factors, including the specific cultivar, growing conditions, and management practices. On average, strawberry plants typically have a productive lifespan of 3 to 5 years.

What are the 4 stages of a strawberry? ›

Strawberry development and ripening stages: 1-Flower (Inflorescence); 2-Unripe fruit; 3-Fruit with less than 3/4 of reddish surface; 4-Fruit with more than 3/4 (75%) of reddish surface; 5-Fully ripe fruit.

How do runners increase the number of strawberry plants? ›

Runners extend out several inches from the crown, take root in the soil, and produce new plants called “daughter plants.”

How do you make strawberry plants flourish? ›

Preparing Soil for Strawberries

Strawberries need well-draining, slightly acidic soil that's rich in organic matter. Ideal soil pH for strawberries ranges from 5.8 and 6.2. If soil pH strays outside this range, key nutrients won't release to the strawberry plants. This results in stunted growth and little to no fruit.

Are Epsom salts good for strawberries? ›

🍓Here's how you can grow sweeter strawberries: Epsom salt helps BOOST chlorophyll levels in your. plant ➡️ giving the plant more energy ➡️ which. means sweeter fruit!!

What not to do when growing strawberries? ›

10 Strawberry Gardening Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs
  1. Choosing the wrong variety.
  2. Location Location Location.
  3. Planting crowns too deep.
  4. Over or under watering.
  5. Over or under fertilizing.
  6. Not mulching.
  7. Not pinching off first-year flowers.
  8. Not winterizing.
Apr 24, 2022


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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.