How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (2024)

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Ah, campfire s’mores. What’s more typical for camping than making s’mores? Here’s how to make the classic s’mores recipe – plus 6 pretty incredible recipe variations.

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (1)

How to Make Campfire S’mores: Classic Recipe (and 6 delicious variations)

Nothing makes life-long memories and says sun-drenched summers in the great outdoors like s’mores. Sitting around the campfire with friends and family it is the iconic s’more that everyone remembers. A true camping tradition.

Beloved by many generations, they’re easy to make, quick, delicious and a wonderfully sticky treat at the end of the day. Plus they provide some good family bonding time around the campfire.

S’mores are synonymous with the great outdoors, campfires, and happiness.

This iconic gooey sweet treat even has its own Guinness World Record with 566 people making s’mores at one time on October 21, 2017 at Metroparks Toledo, in Whitehouse, Ohio, USA. Now that is a lot of s’mores!

After all, what exactly makes a s’more a s’more?

To answer this, and to add some fun to an already classic tasty treat we’ve put together this guide about all things s’more.

But first, let’s start with why s’mores are called s’mores.

Why S’mores are Called S’mores

That melty inside covered in chocolate has kids and adults alike always asking for ‘some more’ which is the common theory on how they got their name.

Eager for the next one, and riding a sugar high ‘some more’ is heard as s’more when spoken rapidly – as people often do riding the camping sugar rush. As in “s’more of that gooey, sweetness please!”

Some say they were invented by the Boy Scouts, some say it was the Girl Guides, but one thing is for sure, it had to have been created by a kid.

What biscuits do you use for s’mores?

Traditionally it is a graham cracker. This plain-looking cracker is deceptive in its appearance and vital to making sensational s’more recipes.

Sweetened with honey while still being plain it is the perfect balance for the high sweetness of the accompanying chocolate and toasted marshmallows.

That is why graham crackers are the traditional ‘go to’ biscuit surrounding the mouth-watering camping treat.

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (2)

So, how hot is a campfire?

S’more Recipes: Traditional (+6 Great Variations)

If you’ve been camping for a while, you probably know the basics. But even if you’ve made a few hundred smores, I think you’ll find some great ideas and useful tips, recipes and information in this little guide about everything s’more.

So, now you can start your own traditions to pass along to whoever you wish.

The good news is a s’more is very simple to make. It only has three ingredients. Biscuit, toasted marshmallow, and chocolate.

All of these come together to form this iconic gooey goodness synonymous with campfires, wonderful long summers and childhood memories.

1. Traditional S’more Recipe

The original girl guides recipe is simple, classic and delicious. Dating back to 1927, this is the traditional recipe and instructions.


Since then things haven’t changed much. Why mess with perfection, right?!
Although chocoholics have been known to place a piece of chocolate on both of the top and bottom crackers for an extra chocolaty filling, apart from that the recipe has basically stayed the same.

“Some More” Classic Recipe from 1927

  1. 16 Graham Crackers
  2. 8 bars plain chocolate
  3. 16 marshmallows
  4. 8 sticks

Toast 2 marshmallows to a “crisp gooey state”. Put them inside the cracker/chocolate sandwich and let the hot marshmallow melt the chocolate. And now for the best line in the recipe:“Though it tastes like “some more” one is really enough.” Back when restraint was a thing.

But if you feel like a different version or trying something a little more exotic at home, here are some fun, tasty and easy to make variations for when that s’more craving hits.

2. S’more Fudge

Who doesn’t like fudge! Every person I know likes fudge and the best thing is that it is so versatile. It lasts for ages in the fridge, you can give it out as gifts or use it at the kid’s parties.

Everyone loves fudge which is why when you combine it with the s’more ingredients it’s a sure-fire winner… pun intended.

With two types of chocolate alongside marshmallow creme and mini marshmallows this s’more variation is good enough for a BBQ or a gift for friends and family.

It only takes 15 minutes to make and a couple of hours to chill in the fridge, you can make it in advance for any occasion.

Makes a great snack on your hike.See the full recipe.

3. Flourless S’mores Cookies

S’mores in your lunchbox, s’mores for the kids, s’more for any occasion whenever you want. That is one way to brighten your day, by making a batch of s’more cookies to eat whenever you want, or to take to the neighbor’s potluck. Their bound to be a hit wherever you go.

With all of the traditional ingredients of graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate, it is only the assembly that is different while that scrumptious s’more flavor remains the same. And the best part is: they cook in 10 minutes.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Traditional s’more ingredients plus a few extra items: eggs, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and confectioners’ sugar.
  • A large cookie tray
  • Baking paper to line the baking tray or trays
  • An oven

Then just mix the ingredients and get baking to fill your house with that sensational s’more smell.Get the full recipe.

4. S’more cone

If you wanted to try something a little different you could always make your s’more in a cone instead of a biscuit. This means you don’t have to go hunting for sticks at night in the woods where the monsters are…well that’s what the kids say.

This is a green-friendly, ‘leave no trace’ (as they say) version of the classic s’more.

It’s easy, here’s how:

  • Take a sugar ice-cream cone or waffle cone and put mini marshmallows and chocolate pieces inside.
  • Wrap in foil tightly and place it on the grill over your fire pit for a couple of minutes. If you do not have a grill then alternatively you can lay it on the hot coals of your campfire when it burns down a little.
  • After a couple of minutes the marshmallows and chocolate will be melted so you can just unwrap and eat.

5. S’moreos

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (3)If the name hasn’t given it away, you can make your s’mores doubly delicious by combining them with a couple of other family favorites, Oreos and peanut butter.

Now, just wait, give it a moment to sink in. That sounds great, right?

After all, you probably have peanut butter and Oreos in your camping ‘must haves’ so why not give it a go and try it. They’re quick, easy and fun to make.


Here’s how:

  • On the bottom graham cracker, place your Oreo that has been covered on both sides with peanut butter. Then add your piece of chocolate.
  • Fire-roast your marshmallow how you like it, slightly golden brown or flaming gooey glob, then take the other graham cracker and hold it down on top of the chocolate while you pull the stick or skewer out so you don’t burn your fingers.
  • Let it sit for a moment so the chocolate gets nice and melty and then enjoy immediately.Check out the full recipe.

6. Caramel S’mores

Caramel and chocolate have gone together since the invention of sweet treats so why should s’more miss out? This classic combo adds another dimension to your s’mores and can be in one of two ways.

Both are delicious but the chocolate is the thing that changes everything.


Here’s how:

  • Prepare to make your traditional s’more by taking the bottom graham cracker and placing your piece of chocolate on it.
    OR, drizzle chocolate topping on it instead of a piece of chocolate bar.
  • Toast your marshmallow to the state of gooeyness you like then lay on the chocolate-covered cracker.
  • Drizzle with caramel sauce and top with the remaining cracker.
  • Enjoy that caramel goodness enhancing the chocolate.See the full recipe.

7. S’more brownies

A s’more brownie may just be the best invention since the original s’mores were first toasted all that time ago around a campfire.


This recipe has the added benefit of being enjoyed any time. You can have these as a mid-week treat when you are staring at your computer at work and wishing you were in the great outdoors. In three steps, they’re easy to make.Here’s how.

Guide to Campfire S’mores: What You’ll Need

Family bonding time around a campfire is one of the main reasons thousands of people love camping. There’s something about the warm glow of a campfire that warms the heart.

Making s’mores after dinner, giggling while toasting your marshmallows on a long stick and trying not to let them catch fire is just one of those things you can’t help but love.

That’s why if you’ve never made them before we’ve put together this list of things you need.

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (4)For your s’mores kit you will need:

  • A couple of packets of graham crackers
  • A bag of large marshmallows
  • A few of your favorite brand of plain chocolate bars
  • A long stick (or metal roasting stick) – for toasting the marshmallows
  • The all-important campfire. Here’s how to make the right type of fire.
  • The willpower to stop eating them before you feel sick

Don’t laugh, that last one is very important. More than one person has ended up with a bellyache over this mouthwatering sticky treat.

How to make crazy good campfire s’mores:

  1. Take a graham cracker and snap it in half so you have a top and bottom biscuit for your s’more. This is easy because they are scored down the middle making it easier for you.
  2. Break your chocolate bar into cracker-sized pieces and lay one piece on your graham cracker.
  3. Take a large marshmallow and skewer it with a long stick. Place this over the fire and toast it until the outside is golden and bubbly for maximum squishy deliciousness. How long you cook your marshmallow is up to you. Some people love it lightly toasted and still firm in the middle. Others like to set it on fire and then blow it out so the entire things is a melty marvel in your mouth.
  4. Place your fire-roasted marshmallow over the chocolate on your cracker then take the top half of cracker and press down on the marshmallow. This will hold it in place so you can pull the stick/skewer out so you don’t burn your fingers. Roasted marshmallows are hot!
  5. Give it a sec to warm through the chocolate and partially melt it. This also makes sure you don’t burn your mouth on the hot marshmallow as it squishes out of the side when you take that first bite. Eat, enjoy, relish that sticky sweet goodness.

4 Campfire Safety Tips

If you’re an old hat at camping you’ve probably been making them for years but if you’re a first-timer or only ever made them at home in the oven or microwave (yes that’s possible) then there are a couple of tips to consider first so you get the best results.

  1. First things first, make sure you always have a first aid kit with some good burn cream when camping. This is just a good practice to get into no matter what outdoor activity you are doing.
  2. Fire is hot. I know, I know you know that but it also means fire-roasted marshmallows are very hot. If they drop onto your skin by accident they will stick and continue to burn in one gooey hot mess. If this happens to one of your loved ones, the quickest way to relieve the burn is to remove the marshmallow, clean the site and apply the cream to sooth it as soon as possible.
  3. Take your time and don’t burn your fingers. In the excitement to make your s’more don’t rush. If the end of your toasting stick accidentally comes into contact with your fingers as you remove that gooey goodness, you guessed it, it will burn. After all, sometimes the stick catches fire just as quickly as the marshmallow.
  4. Always wear shoes near a campfire so you don’t accidentally stand on any coals that may have escaped the campfire and burn your feet. That is a sure way to ruin your camping trip as you hop and hobble around.

Keep reading: 12 Essential Campfire Safety Tips

Best Type of Campfire for S’mores

A huge bonfire the size of a building! No, just kidding. S’mores can be made over any size flame in any form. A bonfire, campfire, or small fire in a fire pit, it doesn’t matter, if there is a flame you can toast your marshmallows.

So, while you can use most any campfire, the best fire for s’mores is a hot bed of coals. The heat is consistent and it’s easier to properly toast the marshmallows.

Just remember that the bigger the fire, the hotter it gets standing or sitting near it.

That means that a bonfire may be very unpleasant if you get too close, whereas a small campfire is toasty and warm and you can sit by it for hours enjoying not only your fire-toasted marshmallows but your time with friends and family.

Plus, it means you can make more than one without burning your marshmallows … or burning off your eyebrows!

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (5)

More reading: 55 Best Campfire Songs of All Time

Your Turn

Which recipe will you try next? Have one to add? Share your delicious variation below!

How to Make Campfire S'mores: 7 Recipes (Classic + 6 Variations) | GudGear (2024)


What chocolate is best for smores? ›

Milk chocolate is a classic choice for s'mores. It has a sweet and creamy flavor that complements marshmallows and graham crackers. Dark chocolate is a must for those who prefer a richer and less sweet flavor. It provides a slightly bitter contrast to the sweetness of the marshmallows and graham crackers.

How do you make S mores if you don't have a fire? ›

Evenly space out graham cracker halves on a baking sheet and top with a square or two of chocolate. Balance a marshmallow on top, and set under the broiler for 30 seconds, or until charred and melty. Remove and top with another graham cracker half.

How to make grilled marshmallows? ›

Hold the marshmallow over the centre of the fire, close to but not touching the coals. Gently rotate the skewer, so the heat toasts the marshmallow evenly. You'll see it gradually change colour to a golden brown. Once it's toasted all the way around, your marshmallow will be ready to eat.

How to roast mini marshmallows? ›

Turn on the broiler and broil for about 1 minute, until the mini marshmallows are toasted. Alternatively, brown the marshmallows using a kitchen blowtorch.

How to roast mini marshmallows over fire? ›

Aim for somewhere around 6 inches above the coals to reach the perfect temperature and roasting conditions. Ideally you would have the coals shaped into almost a cave-like form that allows heat to equally reach the marshmallow from all side.

Which crackers are best for smores? ›

If you ask our Test Kitchen which brand is best for snacking (also s'mores, desserts and more), it would have to be Nabisco Grahams. “This one is very tasty on its own,” says Sarah Tramonte in the Test Kitchen. “It has good sweetness and that classic flavor.” That flavor, of course, is honey and a touch of brown sugar.

What can I use instead of graham crackers for S mores? ›

What should I use for s'mores besides graham crackers? Some people like other types of plain cookies like oatmeal, or chocolate chip or try crispy granola bars! You could use a marshmallow rice crispy treat, major sweetness but fun!

What is Hershey S'mores? ›

HERSHEY'S S'mores are a classic, crowd-pleasing treat! Stack your graham crackers, HERSHEY'S Milk Chocolate Candy Bars and marshmallows together to create S'mores of all kinds.

Is it OK to roast marshmallows on gas fire? ›

The Short Answer

Yes, you can roast marshmallows on a gas fire pit.

Can you make smores without a campfire? ›

If you thought that S'mores could only be made with a camp fire or fire-pit, then think again! You can make them in the comfort and warmth of the indoors with these 3 easy ways: under the grill, in the microwave or in the sandwich press! All of these options have been tried and tested by our team.

Is it OK to make smores in a fireplace? ›

You can roast marshmallows over anything that gets hot. There are no real safety issues with roasting or toasting them over your gas logs. As has been noted, don't drop them in the fire.

How to roast marshmallows over a camp? ›

A low fire or hot coals provide the best conditions for roasting marshmallows! Use a “fire safe” tool when roasting marshmallows over an open fire. Prevent accidents and set rules with the kids – keep a safe distance from the fire pit and no running! Have all your s'more ingredients ready before you start roasting!

Can you roast marshmallows on an outdoor gas fire pit? ›

Can you roast marshmallows over your propane or natural gas fire pit? Of course! However, gas fire pit tables are UL listed as a decorative gas appliance (not a cooking appliance), so make sure to clean off the burner and fire media (what is fire media?) to ensure the burner ports stay clean.

Can you put smores in foil in the sun? ›

DIY Solar Oven For Kids

The foil reflects the sun into the oven. 5) Tape the plastic over the opening of the door. This will allow the air inside the box to heat up but keep the heat trapped inside the box. I used a wood skewer to prop the solar oven lid open and allow the sun to cook the s'mores.

How do you roast marshmallows without a campfire? ›

It's easy to toast marshmallows without a campfire. Line up marshmallows on a baking sheet and broil in the oven until the tops are toasted golden brown. Remove the tray from the oven, turn over the marshmallows, return the tray to the oven and toast that side until golden brown.


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