Take time for yourself - 7 self-care ideas - Special Learning House (2024)

Take time for yourself. I’m talking to you special needs parents! I’m also talking to your special needs educators, teachers of all kinds, healthcare professionals… The list goes on and on. I’m actually talking to EVERYONE because you know what?! Everyone needs to practice self-care.

I am so touched by all of the interaction I receive from all of you on this blog, on Facebook and on Instagram. I would love for you to join in the conversation by following Special Learning House across social media and contributing your comments too.

You are the reason I do what I do and it means so much to me to have you interacting with this special needs community!

So, back to self-care… How do you take time for yourself and relax in the midst of everything you have to organize for yourself, your whole family and your special needs child?

Here’s how I see it!

I challenge you, special needs mama, to take care of YOURSELF today.

Take time for yourself - 7 self-care ideas - Special Learning House (1)

Table of Contents

Self care ideas

These are my favorite self-care activities :

Drink a warm cup of tea.

My favorite recipe?

  • Roobios
  • A sprinkle of dried lavender
  • Honey

Watch something silly and fun on Netflix.

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is both silly and fun to watch. Laughing is a therapy in and of itself – don’t underestimate its powers.

Journal – on your own or as a couple.

If you have been following this blog for a while, you know how crazy I am about journaling. I practice journaling daily myself and love sharing it with my patients and family members. I recently wrote about the powers of journaling as a couple.

I have used so many different journals throughout the years and I have a ton of favorites.At the moment, I am using this PaperBlanks journal for my daily writing work.

Strike a pose. (A yoga pose.)

I am a huge fan of yoga. I try to practice daily between my own sessions, although sometimes I run out of time in the day. If I have a headache, I do yoga. If I spend too many hours on the computer and everything is feeling achy, I do yoga. If I’ve had a stressful day, I try to exhale all of that tension and energy through yoga. Just do yoga – you will be a happier person because of it.

Make a delicious meal.

My husband and I run a food blog together in addition to this blog because cooking is one of our absolute favorite activities. Cooking and eating together is a great way to spend time together as a family. Sharing recipes is a wonderful family tradition and a beautiful way to make memories. We have created our own original recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week on our food blog, A Hedgehog in the Kitchen.

Light an aromatherapy candle.

I love aromatherapy and believe that by intentionally creating a beautiful and peaceful space you can create a relaxed state of mind. One of my favorite tools for doing just that are candles. When I’m feeling frazzled, I light a candle and take 15 minutes to myself (while doing yoga!!!).

I have so many candles I love. When choosing, I always try to avoid harsh chemicals that are air and lung pollutants by ordering candles that are made from natural beeswax and are organic. This is particularly important when you have young children in the house and pets.

My favorite candles are this organic jasmine scented pure soy wax candle and this organic fig and grape candle.

Go out and see a friend.

Sometimes the best, and most restful, break you can have is outside of your home. Call a friend, go to a movie, go for a coffee or walk around a park together. Talk with your friend, share your stress or talk about something entirely different all together!

Take time for yourself with these fun and relaxing self-care ideas.

More Autism Parenting Resources

  • Explaining Autism to Siblings
  • Free Autism Resources
  • Relaxation Strategies
  • Coping Strategies (my best strategies for coping with stress as an autism mom)
  • Autism Mom Burnout (what it is and 5 tips to avoid it!)
  • Happiness Tips (12 of the best for autism moms)
  • Work From Home Jobs
  • How to Feel Awake After Little Sleep
  • Best Self-Help Books for Women

More Autism Resources

Self care ideas

Which one is your favorite? How are YOU going to take time for yourself today?

Pin for later!


Take time for yourself - 7 self-care ideas - Special Learning House (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.