Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (2024)

While thinking of flowers may ordinarily bring images of beautiful blossoms basking in the bright glow of late afternoon sunshine to mind, there are varieties of plants and flowers that are nocturnal, and only open their flowers at night.

Table Of Contents

  1. 1. Queen of the Night
  2. 2. Evening Primrose
  3. 3. Moonflower
  4. 4. Datura
  5. 5. Brugmansia
  6. 6. Four O’ Clocks
  7. 7. Casa Blanca Lily
  8. 8. Tuberose
  9. 9. Red Flare Water Lily
  10. 10. Chocolate Daisy
  11. 11. Night-blooming Jasmine
  12. 12. Night Phlox
  13. 13. Night Gladiolus
  14. FAQs

Commonly referred to as “moon flowers,” or “night flowers,” these species vary in blooming length from the span of a single evening, to opening every night of their flowering season.

Drawing nighttime pollinators such as bats and moths with their sweet smell, and sticking out against the dark of night with their pops of bright colors, night flowers are favored by backyard gardeners for both their aesthetics and their fragrance filled evening ambiance.

So whether you’re looking to add some night flowers to your outdoor patio, or you are just hoping to catch a glimpse of these fleeting flowers, this article features the best flowers that close during the day and bloom at night.

1. Queen of the Night

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (1)

One of the popular type of epiphyllum, epiphyllum oxypetalum, commonly known as Queen of the Night flower, is a perennial, night blooming cereus with large, fragrant flowers that open for the span of a single evening.

As a white flower that blooms at night, this succulent has stunning flowers which have a sweet smell, and can be up to nine inches in diameter when fully open.

When found outdoors in their native habitat, Queen of the Night uses its spineless stalks to store water and to reach out and grab onto the surface of nearby plants. But, lucky for us home gardeners, they can thrive as houseplants and work well in a hanging basket or in a small pot.

The beautiful blossoms will open at night, once per year, (typically in the summer or fall), and will wither by morning. So, be sure to check your Queen of the Night flower every evening, or you may miss its short-lived, spectacular flowers.

2. Evening Primrose

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (2)

Common Evening Primrose, or Oenothera biennis, is a biennial wildflower that’s native to North America, and has sweet smelling yellow flowers that bloom at night.

Much less elusive than the aforementioned Queen of the Night, the many blossoms of Evening Primrose open every night from late spring to early fall. (Typically from May to July.)

Evening Primrose is a biennial, meaning it will complete its flowering cycle in two years. It establishes its stem and leaves in its first year and it will flower, and then die in the second.

The fragrant, four petaled flowers are yellow, have a lemon scent, and can open to be up to two inches across.

Not only is Evening Primrose eye catching and sweet smelling, but parts of the plant are edible, and it is the source of Evening Primrose oil, which is recognized to have many medicinal uses.

3. Moonflower

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (3)

Ipomoea alba, otherwise known as Moonflower, is a perennial vine with large flowers that are white in color, bloom at dusk, and stay open until sunlight shines upon their petals. However, on days when thick clouds obstruct the sun, it has been known to stay open a bit later into the day.

Moonflower is easily identified by its heart shaped dark green foliage, robust vine, and large pure white flowers that open quickly, emit a sweet fragrance, and bloom nightly from mid-summer into fall.

Growing best next to a trellis, fence, or another means of support, Moonflower favors warm, tropical climates and is native to Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. But, it is also often grown as an annual flower in cooler climates.

4. Datura

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (4)

Datura is a genus that includes nine very similar species of night blooming flowers. It is commonly referred to by many names including: Devil’s Trumpet, Thornapples, Jimsonweeds, Moonflower and Sacred Datura.

Datura has large, showy, trumpet-shaped blossoms that stand erect and face the sky. The flowers are predominantly white in color, but can be mixed with shades of pink, purple, and yellow depending on the specific species.

These fragrant flowers open in fall, spring, and summer evenings. Closed by noon the next day, Datura is one of the later lingering night flowers on this list.

It is important to note that while these colorful flowers are alluring, Datura is a member of the nightshade family, and is a highly poisonous perennial that has hallucinogenic properties. They pose a potential danger when handled and ingested, and are not conducive for a home with pets or children.

5. Brugmansia

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (5)

Brugmansia, commonly called Angel’s trumpet, Floripondios, and Moonflowers, is a genus of tropical plants with dangling, trumpet shaped flowers that vary in size, intensity of fragrance, and bloom color (shades of pink, yellow, white, and red) depending on each individual species.

Blooms vary by cultivar, but Brugmansia blooms primarily in the spring, summer, and fall. Some Brugmansia plants bloom throughout their growing season, some bloom every six to eight weeks, and others only produce flowers when the weather is cool. Temperature preferences vary among individual species.

Native to South America, Brugmansia is no longer found in the wild, but it can be cultivated as a houseplant, tree, or herbaceous shrub, depending on your personal preference and geographical location.

Brugmansia is commonly confused with and is very similar to Datura. It was even once considered part of that genus. However, the funnel-like flowers of Brugmansia hang down towards the ground, whereas the blooms of Datura point up towards the sky.

Another member of the nightshade family, Brugmansia is poisonous and all parts of the plant pose a potential danger when handled and ingested.

6. Four O’ Clocks

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (6)

Mirabilis jalapa, or Four O’ Clock flowers, were given their common name based on the time of day that the varying colored blooms open.

Opening late in the day or early evening, blooms produce a sweet smell and are commonly yellow, pink, red, magenta, or white in color. A single plant may produce flowers of multiple different colors, and individual blooms may contain speckles and multiple hues. The flowers that open are withered by morning, but they’re produced and open throughout their growing season of summer through fall.

They also thrive in full sun or partial shade. Native to South America, Four O’ Clock flowers are used medicinally by the indigenous, and are another plant that is poisonous if ingested.

7. Casa Blanca Lily

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (7)

There are many types of lilies, Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’, or Oriental Lily has sizeable, outward facing flowers that are pure white in color, and bloom for up to four weeks in mid to late summer.

Cultivated and bred for their sweet fragrance and captivating beauty, Oriental Lilies bloom in the evening. Their large, luminous, white petals are perfect for reflecting light, standing out against the dark and acting as a focal point in moon gardens and on outdoor patios.

Commonly used for special occasion bouquets, onlookers and pollinators such as butterflies and hawkmoths, find themselves transfixed by the beautiful blossoms and entrancing sweet perfume of the Casa Blanca Lily.

However, while these dazzling flowers are enjoyably fragrant, easy to grow, and well suited for containers, they are not feline friendly and are toxic to cats.

8. Tuberose

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (8)

Beginning with the Aztecs in Mexico, Polianthes tuberosa, or Tuberose, has been beloved and cultivated for centuries.

Interestingly, what was once a well known, commonly grown flower, is now a unique asset to a backyard garden.

Opening in the evenings of late summer, clusters of white, star shaped, tubular flowers bloom for weeks and unfurl atop a three feet tall stem.

Alluring home gardeners with its powerful fragrance, Tuberose is well known as one of the world’s most fragrant flowers and is grown and harvested to be used in perfumes.

9. Red Flare Water Lily

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (9)

Nymphaea ‘Red Flare’, or Tropical Night Blooming Water Lilies are a free-flowering, aquatic annual that bloom at dusk and stay open until late into the next morning.

Floating just above the water’s surface, Red Flare Water Lilies bloom from mid summer into early fall.

These night blooming water lilies are fragrant, have a large flower spread of seven to ten inches, and vary in hues of bright pinks, reds, and purples. Accented with flat, bronze leaves, these enchanting flowers are a bright, colorful contrast to the water’s dark, glassy surface.

Another flower cultivated through the ages, Red Flare Water Lilies are an enticing addition to your bog, pond, or water garden bed.

10. Chocolate Daisy

Berlandiera lyrata, commonly called Lyreleaf Greeneyes, or Chocolate Daisy, is a night blooming perennial with small, two-inch flowers that is natively found on the plains, masas, and in the rocky, limestone soil of the United States.

Commonly named after its chocolate-like scent that is most noticeable in the morning, the Chocolate daisy opens its beautiful blossoms at twilight.

The flowers have eight, ray shaped, yellow petals that circle a central disk, and the stems average one to two feet in height.

However, while these night blooming plants do smell like coca, are classified as an herb, and are edible, unfortunately they do not taste the same as they smell.

Repelling deer, but attracting butterflies, Chocolate Daisies would make an excellent addition to a backyard garden in USDA growing zones 4-10. If you love daisies, this plant is for you.

11. Night-blooming Jasmine

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (10)

Night-blooming jasmine, also known as Lady of the Night, is a captivating shrub that unveils its beauty and intoxicating fragrance only after the sun sets.

Despite its alluring common name, night-blooming jasmine isn’t actually related to true jasmine at all. Its scientific name, Cestrum nocturnum, tells a different story, with “Cestrum” referencing its genus and “nocturnum” meaning “night,” a fitting tribute to its nocturnal bloom and sweet scent.

The captivating scent of night-blooming jasmine comes from Cestrum nocturnum, a member of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) and a native of the West Indies.

As twilight descends, its delicate white or greenish-yellow flowers unfurl, their sweet perfume filling the air with an irresistible aroma that beckons moths, bats, and other nocturnal pollinators.

Under the soft glow of the moon, these pale yellow flowers become beacons of light, guiding night-flying creatures to their nectar feast. This nocturnal dance continues until dawn, when the jasmine gracefully closes its petals, tucking away its fragrance and beauty until the next moonlit night.

Even though its floral display is fleeting, the night-blooming jasmine’s captivating scent leaves a lasting impression, reminding us of the magic that unfolds under the cover of darkness.

12. Night Phlox

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (11)

Night Phlox, scientifically known as Zaluzianskya capensis, is a delightful addition to nighttime gardens, earning its reputation as one of the premier night-blooming flowers.

Native to South Africa, this fragrant perennial is renowned for its petite yet intensely fragrant blooms that release a sweet scent in the evening, attracting nocturnal pollinators like moths. The small, star-shaped flowers, typically white or shades of pink, open as dusk falls, creating a captivating display against the backdrop of darkening skies.

Night Phlox is a versatile plant, suitable for both garden beds and containers, and its adaptability to a range of soil types and climates makes it an excellent choice for various garden settings.

Gardeners seeking to enhance the sensory experience of their outdoor spaces will appreciate the charming allure and fragrant beauty that Night Phlox brings to moonlit evenings.

13. Night Gladiolus

Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (12)

Night Gladiolus, scientifically known as Gladiolus tristis, stands out as a enchanting choice among night-blooming flowers for garden enthusiasts. Originating from South Africa, this perennial bulbous plant is characterized by its elegant, funnel-shaped white blooms that emit a sweet and captivating fragrance after dusk.

The long spikes adorned with numerous flowers create a striking visual display, making Night Gladiolus a charming addition to moonlit gardens. These delicate flowers are particularly well-suited for evening or night-themed gardens, adding an element of mystery and allure to the landscape.

Their adaptability to various soil types and ability to thrive in full sun contribute to their popularity among gardeners looking to create a serene and fragrant nocturnal retreat in their outdoor spaces.

The Night Gladiolus serves as a testament to the beauty that unfolds in the moon garden when the sun sets, offering a unique and enchanting experience for those who appreciate the magic of nighttime blooms.


What is the flower that glows at night?

The Moonflower (Ipomoea alba) is a notable example of a flower that glows at night. Its large, white, fragrant blooms unfurl in the evening and emit a luminous glow, attracting nocturnal pollinators such as moths.

What is the meaning of night blooming flowers?

Night-blooming flowers, with their enchanting nocturnal beauty, often symbolize mystery, hidden secrets, and the allure of the unseen. They can also represent the resilience and beauty that can emerge in the darkness, reminding us that there is still magic and growth even in challenging times.

Final thoughts

Each of these thirteen night blooming flowers combines brilliant beauty and an alluring aroma, making it well worth staying up past your usual bedtime in order to gaze upon and their fleeting flowers.

Ranging from edible and medicinal to hazardous for your health, and varying widely in shape, size, and blooming length, night blooming flowers vary widely in their effects and overall experience.

Elevating your outdoor ambiance with their incredible aromas and breathtaking blossoms, night blooming flowers would be an uplifting addition to the home or outdoor patio of a fragrant flower-loving night owl.

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Top 13 Beautiful Flowers That Bloom At Night | Florgeous (2024)


Which flower is the Queen of the Night? ›

Epiphyllum oxypetalum, the Dutchman's pipe cactus, princess of the night or queen of the night, is a species of cactus with a native range from Mexico to Nicaragua. It blooms nocturnally, and its flowers wilt before dawn.

What plant only grows at night? ›

As the name suggests, the moonflower, or Ipomoea alba, blooms in the moonlight. These vine plants produce large, white trumpet-shaped flowers and a slight lemon scent, providing an enchanting background for neighboring night-blooming outdoor plants.

What is the only flower that blooms in darkness? ›

Night Queen, Night Jasmine, evening primrose, night phlox, angel trumpet, and brahma lotus are just a few examples of beautiful flowers that open in the moonlight. Whether you are an enthusiastic night gardener or you just want to visit places to witness the magical blossoming of these insomniac.

What rare flower only blooms at night? ›

Also known as queen of the night, night blooming cereus opens blooms at night. Also known as queen of the night, night blooming cereus opens blooms at night.

Which beautiful flower is known for its sweet fragrance it blooms at night? ›

Behold the Night-Blooming Jasmine, scientifically known as Cestrum nocturnum, a bewitching flower celebrated for its intoxicating fragrance and delicate blooms. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, this enchanting flower unveils its small, tubular, greenish-white blossoms exclusively at night.

What flower is night queen? ›

The Queen of the Night flower, also known as Epiphyllum oxypetalum, is a stunning and unique plant that is native to Central and South America that belongs to the night-blooming Cereus family of cactus (Cactaceae family).

What flower is called lady of the night? ›

Lady of the Night is the common name of Brassavola nodosa, an epiphytic orchid native to low-lying coastal regions of Central and Southern America. It is widespread from Mexico to Colombia and throughout the Caribbean coast and islands, and ranges into Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.

What is the yellow flower that only blooms at night? ›

Oenothera biennis, or evening primrose, is a night-blooming plant with pretty yellow flowers that open in the evening, producing a lemony fragrance. Evening primrose will attract beneficial pollinators such as butterflies, hummingbirds, and even moths and bats.

What is the purple flower that blooms at night? ›

Night phlox (Zaluzianskya capensis) is also called midnight candy, which is more than just a fun name: It is a nod to the sweet fragrance released by this night blooming flower. Perfect in an evening fragrance garden or a moon garden, night phlox brings both fragrance and color in shades of pink, white and purple.

What flower glows in the dark? ›

The firefly petunia glows brightly and doesn't need special food thanks to a group of genes from the bioluminescent mushroom Neonothopanus nambi.

What is a midnight flower? ›

Night phlox (Zaluzianskya ovata) is a captivating flowering plant that's native to South Africa. "Its blooms resemble small daisies and release a sweet and honey-like fragrance after the sun goes down," says Erin Cunningham, lead designer and CFO for Peachtree Plants.

What is the flower that blooms once at midnight? ›

The Night-Blooming Cereus is a species of cactus flower and is one of the rarest plants to live in the desert. Adding to its mystique is its inconspicuousness and location - desert flats and washes between 3000 and 5000 feet above sea level, and that it is rarely seen in the wild.

What is the smelly flower that blooms at night? ›

Referred to as the corpse flower or stinky plant, its putrid smell is most potent during peak bloom at night into the early morning. The odor is often compared to the stench of rotting flesh. The inflorescence also generates heat, which allows the stench to travel further.

What does it mean when some flowers only bloom in the night? ›

Flowers are white and fragrant, as is typical of night blooming flowers, which are adapted to attract nocturnal pollinators such as bats and moths. The bright colors that attract birds, butterflies and bees to flowers during the daytime are of little use in the dark.

Do jasmine flowers only bloom at night? ›

Night-blooming Jasmine, Cestrum nocturnum, isn't your average wallflower; it's a show-off when the sun goes down. Its blooming cycle is a bit of a dance with nature, heavily influenced by seasonal shifts. As the days get longer and the nights shorter, this plant gears up for its nocturnal display.

Which night yellow flowers bloom only at night of summer? ›

Evening Primrose

It's a biennial plant that will fill your garden with its pretty, lemon-scented yellow flowers from late spring to late summer. Plus, it attracts plenty of pollinators like bees and butterflies as well as nighttime pollinators such as moths and bats.

What is the queen of the night flower myth? ›

According to legend, epiphyllum was once a flower goddess, she bloomed every day and fell in love with a young man who watered her. But love between man and goddess has violated the law of heaven. This soon became known to the Jade Emperor, who was furious and decided to break them up.


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