Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (2024)

With just 2 ingredients, this vanilla sugar recipe is so simple and easy to make at home. Only 5 minutes needed! Tips shared for choosing the right vanilla bean for making incredible homemade vanilla sugar.

Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (1)

What is Vanilla Sugar Used For?

Vanilla sugar is incredibly versatile.

I keep a small jar in my baking cabinet (next to the spices) and use it for just about anything: sprinkled over juicy, ripe strawberries, stirred into oatmeal, and mixed into strong coffee and tea. It’s great on waffles, apple tarts and panettone, and it makes the best cinnamon toast on warm sourdough bread. Every time I open the jar, I’m hit with the most wonderful, sweet aroma…

But here’s the best part: vanilla sugar is practical enough for everyday use but equally as impressive to give as gifts. It’s easy, fast and incredibly satisfying to make.

Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (2)

Homemade Vanilla Sugar in 3 Easy Steps!

So… How do I pick the right vanilla bean?

There are several types of vanilla beans to choose from, ranging in source of origin, flavor and cost.

Here are 3 common varieties:

  • Tahitian: floral aroma with a rich, fruity flavor
  • Madagascar Bourbon: sweet aroma and delicate flavor
  • Mexican: full bodied, rich and smoky

My preference is Tahitian Vanilla Beans (Grade B). The flavor is versatile and it does not overpower.

Another important factor to consider is cost. Vanilla beans are pricey! To save a few bucks, Native Vanilla has some bulk price options (i.e. 10 vanilla beans for $12.99 with free shipping!). The quality is excellent.

Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (3)

What’s the difference between Grade A & Grade B vanilla?

Grade A vanilla beans are considered high quality or “gourmet” because they’re soft, plump, shiny and have a high moisture content. They’re also expensive.

Grade B vanilla beans can be stiff, crackly and dry.

Which one is best for vanilla sugar?

Grade B is typically best because of its low moisture content- the sugar won’t clump up when the mixture is combined. The vanilla beans still pack plenty of pure vanilla flavor, and as an added bonus, they cost less than Grade A beans.

Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (4)

How tO store vanilla Sugar & Vanilla Beans

Vanilla sugar will keep indefinitely when stored in an airtight jar. In fact, the longer it sits the better it will taste!

As for the vanilla beans, cover tightly in plastic or wax wrap. This is important so they don’t dry out.

TIP: As your vanilla sugar supply dwindles down, top it off with more sugar and deseeded vanilla pods as you collect them.

Where Can I Buy Those Cute Jars?!

This recipe fits perfectly into 4 oz (125 ml) latch top jars (pictured here).

Here a a few options to choose from, similar to mine. You can also purchase in bulk from a restarant supply store.

Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (5)

Recipes to Try with Vanilla sugar

  • Cinnamon Sugar Sourdough Waffles
  • Jamie Oliver’s Panettone Pudding Tart
  • Sourdough Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  • Easy Apple Tart with Puff Pastry

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Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (6)

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 5 from 3 reviews

  • Author: Emilie Raffa
  • Prep Time: 5
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 2 cups
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: One-Bowl
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan
Print Recipe


Using only 2 ingredients, this vanilla sugar recipe is so simple and easy to make at home. All you need is 5 minutes! It’s perfect to spice up your everyday oatmeal, yet impressive enough to give as homemade gifts. For best flavor allow the sugar to infuse for up to 2 weeks or more.


  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 vanilla beans


1.) For the vanilla beans, both Grade A and Grade B can be used with excellent results. I prefer Tahitian Vanilla Beans (Grade B) from Native Vanilla.

2.) I use a food processor to infuse the vanilla into the sugar- it’s the quickest way to infuse the flavor. Alternatively, it can be mixed by hand.


  1. Slice the vanilla beans in half lengthwise. Scrape out the seeds in a downward motion using the back of a small paring knife. Reserve the empty pods.
  2. Add the sugar to the bowl of a food processor. Add the vanilla seeds.
  3. Pulse until well incorporated. Pour into jars or a large airtight container. Submerge the reserved vanilla pods into the sugar (cut in half to fit, if necessary). For best flavor, allow the sugar to infuse for up to 2 weeks or more.
Vanilla Sugar Recipe in 3 Easy Steps - The Clever Carrot (2024)


How to use vanilla sugar instead of vanilla extract? ›

Using Vanilla Sugar Instead of Vanilla Extract: In recipes that call for vanilla extract, use 1 1/2 teaspoons of homemade vanilla sugar per teaspoon of vanilla extract. Add an extra teaspoon of a liquid ingredient per 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar to replace the liquid from the vanilla extract.

What can I substitute for 1 packet of vanilla sugar? ›

What can I use instead of vanilla sugar?
  • Vanilla Powder.
  • Pure Vanilla Extract.
  • Vanilla Bean Paste.
  • Vanilla Syrup.
  • Vanilla Pod.
  • Vanilla Flavored Milk.
  • Regular Sugar.
  • Icing Sugar (or Powdered Sugar)
Jan 29, 2023

What is vanilla sugar made of? ›

Vanilla sugar is a simple recipe of granulated sugar infused with vanilla beans. There is nothing quite as simple or versatile as homemade vanilla sugar. Vanilla sugar in baking can be utilized in a variety of desserts; from apple pies, snickerdoodles and crème brûlée to light and airy pavlova's.

How long can you keep vanilla sugar? ›

If stored in a cool, dry place, vanilla sugar has a long shelf life, 2+ years at least.

Are vanilla sugar and vanilla powder the same? ›

The purest form of vanilla powder comes from vanilla beans. The beans are dehydrated and finely ground. But you'll also find another type of vanilla powder on the market, where sugar is added. This type, called vanilla sugar, is popular in France and Mexico and used as a substitute for regular sugar in some recipes.

Is vanilla sugar healthy? ›

Because vanilla has fewer calories and carbohydrates than sugar, it can be used to reduce your sugar intake. Using vanilla as a sugar substitute also can reduce high blood glucose levels and help you lead a more heart-healthy lifestyle.

What can I use if I don't have enough vanilla extract? ›

8 substitutes for vanilla extract
  • Vanilla paste. Vanilla paste — also called vanilla bean paste — is a mix of vanilla extract, vanilla beans, and sugar. ...
  • Vanilla powder. ...
  • Vanilla sugar. ...
  • Almond extract. ...
  • Maple syrup. ...
  • Honey. ...
  • Bourbon, brandy, rum, or vanilla liqueur. ...
  • Vanilla flavored plant-based milk.
Nov 12, 2021

What happens if you use imitation vanilla instead of vanilla extract? ›

For most oven–based recipes, such as cookies, cakes, brownies, cupcakes and tarts, it's near impossible to tell the difference between imitation and pure vanilla extract. Therefore, using a 1:1 swap will work just fine.

What is the difference between vanilla sugar and vanillin sugar? ›

While vanilla sugar is made of sucrose (household sugar) and crushed vanilla beans and/or vanilla extract, vanillin sugar is a mixture of sucrose and vanillin [3]. The latter is considerably more favorably priced and can be found as a standard baking ingredient in almost every supermarket.

What is vanilla sugar? ›

vanilla sugar in British English

(vəˈnɪlə ˈʃʊɡə ) noun. cookery. sugar which has been infused with vanilla.

Does homemade vanilla extract have sugar? ›

You only need 2 ingredients for homemade vanilla extract: vanilla beans and vodka. Let the vanilla beans infuse the vodka for as little as 8 weeks, but for optimal flavor, wait at least 6-12 months before using. Homemade vanilla is more cost efficient than store-bought options. You can try homemade vanilla sugar too.

Is it okay to use expired vanilla sugar? ›

Vanilla sugar is actually a pretty simple one, in that it should theoretically never go “bad.” Neither sugar nor vanilla contains any ingredients that will go rancid or bad, in a traditional sense, so if nothing else creeps into your storage container then you should be safe to eat vanilla sugar forever!

Can you use 1 year expired vanilla extract? ›

As long as it is not showing signs of going bad, you can still continue using it six months to a year after it's expiration date. Though, I would add more to the recipe to make up for the weakened flavor. However, both pure and imitation vanilla extract can go bad if not stored correctly.

Does Aldi have vanilla sugar? ›

The Pantry Vanilla Flavoured Sugar 150g | ALDI.

What to use instead of vanilla sugar? ›

You can replace one sachet of vanilla sugar with 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.

Can I use powdered sugar instead of vanilla sugar? ›

Powdered Or Granulated Sugar

This is the simplest way you can think of when in a hurry. Note that powdered/icing sugar or granulated sugar can't deliver the same depth of flavor as vanilla sugar. They can only make up for the lack of sweetness, so this is always my last resort.

Can you use powdered vanilla instead of vanilla extract? ›

You can substitute vanilla powder for vanilla extract (or vice versa) in any recipe. Use a 1:1 ratio when making this substitution. If a recipe calls for one teaspoon of vanilla extract, just use one teaspoon of powder. Easy!

Is vanilla ok for diabetics? ›

Low-glycemic foods are rated at 55 or less, medium-level glycemic index foods are 56-69, and high-glycemic foods at 70-100. Vanilla extract has a glycemic index of 5, which is considered low. Vanilla extract will not cause blood sugar spikes and can add a pleasant flavor to foods, desserts, and drinks.

What do you use vanilla sugar for? ›

10 great ways to use vanilla sugar
  1. Use it to make delicious sweet and savory dishes.
  2. Add it to anglaise for homemade vanilla ice cream and custard.
  3. Stir it into your coffee, tea, lattes or milkshakes.
  4. Use it to sweeten health-boosting smoothies.
  5. Sprinkle it over cakes, cookies, cupcakes and muffins.
Sep 14, 2021

Does vanilla help you sleep? ›

Vanilla Helps You Sleep

Some studies show that sniffing vanilla extract might also prevent sleep apnea in premature babies. Vanilla's sedative benefits are so powerful that it can help lower your blood pressure and make you drowsy enough to send you off into a faster, more relaxing sleep.

Why use vanilla sugar in baking? ›

Come to think of it, you can use vanilla sugar in any acidic food to give it a delicate sweetness. You'll find vanilla sugar in most European recipes for sweet treats like cakes, cookies and jams. It's a staple ingredient for everything from pastries, desserts and dough to savory sauces, stews and batter.

What is a packet of vanilla sugar? ›

About 1.5 teaspoons of homemade vanilla sugar equals a packet, which is typically what is called for in German recipes. You can easily round up to 2 teaspoons, if you want a sweeter, stronger taste. Technically, 1.5 teaspoons is 0.25 ounces and 2 teaspoons is 0.33 ounces. Most packets contain 0.28 to 0.32 ounces.

Does vanilla extract make a difference in baking? ›

Vanilla extract and how important is it for the baking process. The primary purpose of vanilla extract is to add flavour to baked goods. Lacking it, baked goods tend to have a bland and boring taste. Vanilla extract can also contribute moisture to create a soft and fluffy texture.

How do you substitute ground vanilla for vanilla extract? ›

An easy measure that usually works is to change the requirement to half. If your recipe calls for one teaspoon of vanilla extract, you could use half a teaspoon of vanilla powder.


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