50 Kids Who Found Out Their Parents Were Cooler Than They'll Ever Be (2024)

Parents were not always parents. They once had a childhood and a life full of adventurous memories. They were young, wild and daring. But many kids find it hard to believe that their parents had a life before them, or in some cases, a life which was cooler and wilder than theirs. Scroll down to take a walk back in time, and discover some of the coolest parents out there.

1. Pilot Mother

This mom flew helicopters for the army in the 1980s.

Just wonder what the kid will do when he grows up.

2. Handstand On A Skateboard

How cool can a person be?

This woman did a handstand and that too on a skateboard when people alone can't do a handstand. Very cool.

3. Chuck Norris Being Defeated?

How cool is it when your dad not only takes up a challenge but also beats up Chuck Norris.

Very cool indeed.

4. First Day At Nasa

This dad in the 80s had his first day on his job at NASA.

The pose is pretty cool.

5. A Badass Woman

Everyone loves the idea of being badass. But can everyone be one? No.

This picture was taken in 1984 at Shreveport, Louisiana. It shows someone's mom standing among a group of guys. She happened to be the only girl in her welding class.

6. Motorcycle Trip

This picture is of a dad in the 1980s. Even though his clothes are dirty, the million-dollar smile is still there.

For he was motorcycling his way to Africa and was halfway there.

7. Surprise Surprise

A kid randomly found this photo on the internet.

It shows his dad who served in the Vietnamese war in 1971.

8. Pet Lion

A kid discovered this picture of his dad with his vet mom.

The year was 1959. They had this lion for 2 years.

9. Funny Humor

Now this is a family with a sense of humor.This kid discovered this old photo taken in 1972, during a Bar Mitzva.

The dad is holding the Playboy magazine, the uncle is making shocking eyes while standing with both grandma and grandpa.

10. Member Of Air Force

This mom is one tough gal. She was a member of the US Air Force in 1975.

And had even flown the Siagon in 1975.

11. Diving From Submarines

This picture was taken on the Pacific Ocean, in 1983.

It shows some guys diving from a submarine. Diving from the starboard fin definitely makes them cooler.

12. Ghettoblaster

This dad looks extremely cool posing with this ghettoblaster at the age of 22. It was taken in Texas in 1987.

‘Ghettoblaster' is also known as a boom box for all those who are confused while reading this.

13. For The Love Of Fishing

This dad prefers to fish on a war submarine in 1966.

Oh and don't forget the dress shoes. Very important.

14. Motherhood Is Hard

Working while being a mom is definitely tough. This mother holds her kid while working.

She's working on her master thesis in 1991.

15. Bike Love

This dad loved his bike so much that he decided to take it on a road trip all over Europe.

This is him on tour in 1973.

16. 80s Hairstyle

Bobs, hairspray and overly backcombed hair?

This picture of a mom definitely depicts one of the cool hairstyles from the 80s.

17. Homicide Detective

This mother investigated murders in the 80s.

What a badass woman.

18. A DJ In The 70s

This mother was a DJ in the year 1977. She was also exceedingly beautiful.

This is a picture of her spinning records at KWKH, a station in Shreveport, LA.

19. Before Selfies

This is how you took selfies before selfies were a thing.

This dad is flying in Vietnam in the year 1969.

20. Graduating Dad

This dad wears a lavish suit while pulling off the look of a P.I.M.P.

Don't worry, he's not one. It's just his graduation day.

21. Red Cross Volunteer

This woman volunteered at Red Cross in WWII.

She hosted her radio show in the Pacific Theatre in 1944.

22. Living In 2000s

A lot of thought definitely went into this picture from the 70s.

The kid definitely has some artsy parents who always had a trick up their sleeves.

23. Hippy Parents

How adorable are these kids' parents?

Especially with those hippy boots in the 70s. Gives a vibe!

24. Special Talent

This dad is special. He was a zookeeper and knew all the names of the rhinos.

They would come running to him for extra love.

25. Lit Car

Cars that are vintage now, must look so cooler back than!

Just look at how fly this grandpa looks, chilling on the hood of his car in the 60s.

26. Canadian Hippy

This dad is in the Middle East but is Canadian.

He traveled the world in the 70s.

27. Meeting Bob Ross

This picture shows a mother meeting a famous painter known as Bob Ross.

The smiling faces give a great vibe.

28. Subway Of 80s In New York City

How cool is this picture of a dad traveling in the NYC Subway in the 80s?

The system was really bad and now you know how cool this dad must be.

29. In Iran

This is a mom in Iran before the Islamic Revolution in 1975.

Time passes, and people have more freedom, right? Wrong, in the case of Iran.

30. Love In 90s

This picture displays two parents who are in love in the 90s.

What a feeling it is. They look beautiful though.

31. Coors Family

Took a picture with a Coors? Now you're a Coors family.

Very cool indeed.

32. The Hipster

This dad was a hipster in the 80s before hipsters even existed.

This fact just made him an original hipster. Super cool.

33. Lets Fly Together

This mom was getting her private plane's license in the 70s.

This kids' mom was more fly than other moms.

34. Heroic Dad

Cool dad requires having cool qualities.

This dad saved a kid from a burning building. Do you think your dad can compete with this hero level coolness?

35. Patriotism At Its Peak

This mom is very happy to be an American citizen.

So much that she dressed up her child in an American flag for Halloween.

36. Florida State Championship

This mom won the Florida State Championship in the 70s.

She celebrates with a cold beer.

37. Big Winners

What a lovely couple from the 80s

Love the big smile on their faces and their way of celebrating a big win.

38. Smoking Break

This dad fought Saddam Hussein's Army in the 1980s.

But he knew that breaks were taken only for smoking.

39. Cool Car

How cool was your mom is she had a car like this?

She stands next to her 1974 convertible Excalibur looking extremely poised, yet beautiful.

40. Cool Bowler

This dad could have easily played professionally had he been given some exposure.

For he bowled a perfect 300 on his mom's birthday.

41. A Little Smoking Goes A Long Way

Apparently, smoking was allowed in hospitals in the 1970s. What a time to be alive right?

A shocked kid found this picture of her mom, smoking a cigarette right after giving birth to her sister.

42. Passionate Gamer

This dad posed with an original Nintendo on Christmas in 1989.

Not sure who it belongs to, but who cares? Anything for a picture.

43. Smoking Freely At Disney?

Why weren't we born at this time in the 70s or 80s?

For smoking freely at Disney is a dream come true for many people.

44. Wedding Day

What a beautiful woman sitting on an extraordinary chair.

This was in 1979 and it was her wedding day. She looks like a true queen.

45. Neil Armstrong And Fishing

This is a dad who would have other stories to tell apart from the dad jokes.

How cool is this picture of a dad, fishing with Neil Armstrong in the 60's?

46. Will Bear It All!

This mom was a diehard fan of the Allman Brothers.

So much that nothing stopped her from going to this concert, injury or no injury!

47. Still Going Strong

This cute couple will celebrate their 47th wedding anniversary this year.

This picture is of them in the 70s.

48. Smoking For Love

You have to be cool on a whole new level to take a picture while smoking on your wedding day.

They look like they were made for each other.

49. Making A Cigarette

This mom was rolling up a cigarette in 1972.

She looks exceptionally cool doing that with the awesome haircut.

50. Live Aid Concert

How cool are dads that take pictures at concerts?

This is a dad at a Live Aid Concert looking like he's having the time of his life in a sea of people. Yes, that was sarcasm.

50 Kids Who Found Out Their Parents Were Cooler Than They'll Ever Be (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.