Deadly Offerings (Deadly Trilogy, #1) (2024)

Lyndi W.

2,043 reviews200 followers

October 12, 2012

I cannot stand how often Michael says Anne is intelligent. That woman was stupid. STUPID. Actually, all of them were kinda stupid.

But my case in point is super spoilerific, so I have to hide it. View at your own risk.

Deadly Offerings (Deadly Trilogy, #1) (2)
f*ck aaaallll this sh*t!

NO. NOOOO. NO. NO. no.

And she doesn't even realize that the FBI Agent is really the bad guy until later! She got slapped in the face twice by Captain Obvious and she still didn't get it. Getting slapped around and stuffed in a trunk is not typical FBI protocol. It's not typical protocol for anyone other than kidnappers, really. So, what the f*ck is she thinking?!

But it's not like that was her only stupid moment. She actually tried to convince an ex-cop that she could protect herself from a serial killer with a pink Glock that she had fired once, three years ago. lolwut? Even when she realized how inadequate her protection was, she fought being helped by Michael every step of the way. I just saw no reason for it and it made her come across as both stubborn and stupid. Which we all know is a really bad combination.

This is another decent story that was ruined by a TSTL heroine.


    2-star heroine-ruins-it

Janet Samuels

1 review1 follower

August 15, 2012

I posted this on Amazon: I know that I am in the minority here, but the book just did not hold my interest. I generally read a lot including mystery, romance, romantic suspense, etc. Thus, this seemed like a perfect fit for my tastes. The book starts out with Anne getting a divorce. Her husband's attorney, Michael, sees her before realizing she is his client's wife and is attracted to her. The story then picks up a while later when Anne has moved out of Indianiapolis... and, coincidentally, Michael has moved to the same town. The story centers around a killer who is leaving bodies for Anne and is eventually coming for Anne.

While the premise of the book was fine, I had several issues with it. First, the point of view skipped around from one paragraph to the next. You see this immediately in the first chapter when the first paragraph (after the killer's thoughts) is from Michael's point of view and the second paragraph is from Anne. At first, I thought that I advanced too far in my Kindle or something happened as we switched so abruptly and there was no transition. This made it very difficult for me sometimes to figure out what was going on.

Another problem I had was with some of the grammar and spelling. While many authors (and some readers) feel that independent authors shouldn't be held to the same standards, I am investing my time and energy in the book. Grammar and spelling errors break me out of the story and ruin things for me. Many of these were quotes started around something that was a thought rather than a statement, misplaced words or broken sentences. As an example, at the end of the book, there is the following sentence "You can watch me kill your boyfirend die before I end your worthless life.". I think the "die" needs to be removed. As another example, on page 6 of the book, it says "It had been more than sixty days since Anne had filed for the divorce. Cheri thought she should have gotten a couple of years ago." I don't think the period should have been there. These errors could have been cleaned up with a thorough read through or an editor.

Finally, the plot issues really ruined the book for me. I suspend belief for fantasy books. However, I want my romantic suspense books to ring true. Okay, I'll accept that there is this big coincidence that Miranda and her husband's divorce attorney wind up a few months later in the same small town outside of Indianapolis. However, the killer's reason for targeting Anne never rang true (and given his reasons for the killings and who he was, he would have targeted two people other than Anne -- I won't say who as I don't want to give spoilers. He did kill one of these people, but his primary target was Anne). As mentioned by others, Anne was really annoying and stupid when she kept insisting that she could handle things on her own. The police seemed really slow to follow up on certain evidence and believed someone was who he said he was without any verification. A divorce attorney would not be a good candidate for county prosecutor. The person who found the body would not be allowed to go home and shower without crime scene people first collecting evidence from her. There were just so many things like this that were unbelievable.

All in all, I didn't really care for the book. I skipped around a lot as the writing/grammar issues annoyed me. I did finish the book as I wanted to see the resolution of the mystery. However, it is not a book that I will reread.

Trish R.

1,772 reviews50 followers

March 25, 2015

It had possibilities..

Wow! Is there an author who doesn’t have her heroine say “I can do it myself!” “I can take care of myself!” “I can handle it alone!” “I don’t need your help!” “I can protect myself?” It just makes the heroine TSTL.

At page 145 she’s still TSTL. The stalker was already in her house that night but Frankie and Hansen stopped him from doing anything to her and she STILL insists on taking care of herself and staying in her house alone, since Daisy (her housekeeper) and Hank (her farmhand) are both out of town. Really? I thought by then she would have pulled her head out of her a$$. Her attitude became frustrating and annoying.

There were some good secondary characters: Daisy, Hank, Frankie and Deputy Hansen.

This was not a completely bad book. It had a wonderful murder/mystery plot. It just needed an editor. Someone who’d find all the silly things wrong. There was a looong drawn out description of a pair of binoculars that was just copied and pasted when they were mentioned a few pages later. Why did they have to be described again? Why couldn’t they have just been “the binoculars?” And they started doing their business in the kitchen or living room then when someone came to the door all the clothes were in the bedroom? These are just silly mistakes. I think if this author did a rewrite of this book it could be a good read. The next book, Deadly Deception, has 315 pages, as compared to this one at 208. I can’t see myself reading that one, any more than I can see this author doing a rewrite of a book that’s ready sold almost 3,000 copies. It just leaves me wary of her books. Sorry, but I can’t recommend this book.


1,921 reviews40 followers

October 15, 2012

Good start to this fast paced romantic suspense trilogy. Left me anxious to get to bk 2, Deadly Deception.

I was impressed by the author's blurb at the end of each of her bks stating that although she and her beta and proof readers try to catch any mistakes, she asks the readers to email her if they find any and she'll do her best to correct. Especially since there are some author's whose bks contain a multitude of errors and they don't seem to do any better at correcting as they continue to write more. That AG is consciences enough to want to be aware of anything that was missed, and attempt to correct it, well…I liked that alot.



1,776 reviews41 followers

April 12, 2013

I got this as a free read and it sounded pretty good. I liked the story line but the characters weren't really my cup of coffee. This book didn't really pull me in and my mind wandered a lot during the reading. It took me longer than usual to finish because I couldn't really feel the book. There weren't really any page turning scenes although the ending did get close, but I still couldn't really put my heart or head into it. This felt more like a mechanical read than and escape read. I won't read it again but I wouldn't refuse the book if it were the last one on earth. My word for this book would be bland. Something just to read. Good luck.

    own suspense


6,791 reviews594 followers

April 2, 2020

3.5 stars!

    1-in-series fabulous-freebie own

Kami Dodson-Perry

698 reviews23 followers

March 9, 2013

This is the first book I have read from this author & I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.

Anne is very likeable & Michael is every girls dream guy/fantasy. Anne had a hard life and cannot see it getting any easier she thought once her divorce was final she could move forward and maybe be happy. But happy will have to wait for another day because Anne has a stalker who has already killed and she's next on his hit list. Michael is attracted to Anne and cannot stay away, even though his job could be in danger. Michael feels the need to protect Anne at all costs even though she keeps saying NO. Will they catch the killer in time or will Anne be his next victim.

I read this book in less than 24 hours. I could not put it down. And now I am a fan. Just purchased the 2nd book of this serious. Happy reading.


Donna Peterson

4 reviews1 follower

November 17, 2014

I got this book free from Kobo and am very glad I did! I didn't want to put the book down. The characters are very real, and become very special to you. They stayed with me even after I finished the book. I can't wait to find and read the other books in the trilogy. I highly recommend this book!

Sharon Mariampillai

2,198 reviews94 followers

April 24, 2018

This was an alright read. I thought the story had potential, but it did not live up to expectations. I thought the characters were okay. I did not love them, nor did I dislike them. I thought that they were just okay. I could not really relate to them as much as I hoped. Also, there were times when I thought the story was boring that I had to put it down. I will see where the rest of the series goes. I hope books 2 and 3 get better. Overall, an okay read.

    2018-reads 3-stars books-i-have


142 reviews

November 11, 2012

I'm only ten percent in and am having a really hard time keeping my attention in the story. The author appears new to writing and the story has many distracting writing errors. Also the conversations and character thoughts are childish/teenish. This comes off as a teen book. All of these things together keep removing the reader from the story. This is going to be a hard read to finish.. as good as the story itself is showing so far too. The action scenes are wonderful as are how certain scenes are described. I would have had the publishers/editors encourage more from the author before releasing. The story is here, it's the writing what needs a lot of work refining. So far... hoping it improves... dare I hold my breath?

update: finished.

Additional things I would have suggested edit list. Warning spoilers...
I'm never this hard on a story... but wow. Had to here I guess because I see the potential but it just fell so flat, its such a loss. Details make a story great or cause it to fall short.

1) The killer poses as an FBI agent.... really???!! Completely unbelievable.. I would not have gone there. The story died then.

2) The 'love' scene that started in the formal living room - male character forgot to remove his pants - then when police showed up later all their clothes magically appeared in her bedroom.

3) Killer dumping bodies again and again on the womans property (with all of that surveillance going on there) not believable!!

4) Another detail that bugged me. Condoms in wallets??? This is a life lesson let alone should not be written into books! A condom stored for however long an amount of time in a wallet should be deemed as useless as not using one at all. Please authors write them into a person pocket, not wallet!!!! :o

5) "Long legs" and "Beautiful" were two things repeated far too often.

6) And six... I was waiting and waiting for the point of the 'wind farm' to surface, but it never did. The whole idea was pointless and removed the reader from the story, it also destroyed the romantic scenes in the readers mind of how the farm appears. One min the main character was off in the clouds with some childish thought and the next was trying to sound like a grown up (reaching, but not quite getting there) talking mild details about wind farms. Did this idea need more research perhaps? I don't think so. Just didn't need to be in the story.

Nice try. Go back to the editing room and work some magic on this. It could be really good.

Liz at Fictional Candy

470 reviews61 followers

May 20, 2012

Anne is in the process of a divorce. Her friends take her to the bar to let loose a little bit and she sees a handsome guy across the room. She is instantly attracted, but not yet ready to jump into the dating scene. Then she sees him again – in court as her soon to be ex-husband’s attorney! And wait, he shows up again and again! Michael is showing up everywhere, and seemingly always at the precisely perfect moment.

Anne and Michael are a power couple in the making. There is great chemistry, a great sexual tension, and enough drama to fill a …corn field. It’s a good thing that Michael is as persistent as he is, because he is definitely going to need it with the relationship-shy Anne. Messy divorces can do that to you. But every time these two are around each other you know it’s meant to be. I really loved how Anne is always first on Michael’s mind. He is tough and strong, yet caring and sensitive to her emotions and needs. Anne, on the other hand, began to become a bit frustrating. She is obviously attracted to Michael, but she ignores all of her own emotional and physical cues (not to mention his) and keeps thinking of him just as her ex’s attorney. Like come on girl! Get it together and kiss him!

This book has a really great mystery, with just a touch of horror in the form of a serial killer. I was really happy to see I was wrong (repeatedly) about who the killer was. That is definitely something I always appreciate when it comes to a murder mystery. The serial killer is super creepy and it seems like they are always one step ahead of the game. But then this story has so much more into it. There is a budding romance building. Not to mention another that will spin off into the sequel.

During the beginning of the book I felt it moved a bit fast. The number of events that happened in just the first chapter was quite high. But it quickly begins to even out and it turned into quite the page turner. I finished this in two days and I thought it was a really good story. I definitely recommend this if you are into romantic suspense novels!

    murder-mystery romance suspense


1,818 reviews78 followers

July 25, 2015

Coming off a bitter divorce, Anne Mason doesn't have time for a romance. But Michael Brandt just keeps popping up and doesn't want to take no for an answer. After Michael rescues Anne from a carjacker, Anne decides to move away from the city and live at the farm she has inherited. She's surprised to find her new neighbor is none other than Michael Brandt. When a body is found in Anne's cornfield, Anne and Michael begin to think the killer may be the same man who tried to carjack her. As mysterious things begin to happen at her farm, Michael decides Anne is in danger and he is the only person who can protect her.

This was a freebie ebook from Amazon. I'm amazed at all of the 5 Star reviews. First Michael Brandt saves Anne from a drunk who is trying to accost her, he turns up the next day as Anne's ex-husband's attorney, and then once again pops up at a convenience store in the middle of the night where Anne is doing her shopping, I was beginning to think Michael was stalking her. A few weeks later when she moves to a farm he turns up once again, this time as her new neighbor. I just rolled my eyes. Anne is a beautiful computer expert who wants a new start. She continually chants "I can take care of myself." even though we know she can't. And, I really wonder about her eyesight. Each time she runs into Michael, she doesn't recognize him right away. I thought that was a little strange.

The mystery itself is actually pretty good. There are no real surprises in it, but it is a solid story. The secondary characters are engaging. I know the second book in the series is about some of them. Since I like these characters better than Anne and Michael, I will continue the series. My rating: 2.5 Stars.

    2015 kindle romantic-suspense

My Book Addiction and More MBA

1,958 reviews67 followers

April 23, 2012

DEADLY OFFERINGS by Alexa Grace is a fast paced,action packed romantic suspense set in Indiana. This is book 1 in the Deadly Trilogy.With engaging characters,witty banter,a sexy,hero, Michael Brandt,a feisty heroine,Anne Mason,a shady adoption agency,murder,suspense,romance,a serial killer,what’s not to enjoy in this fast paced romantic suspense. “Deadly Offerings” is this author’s debut and a not to miss story that will have you on the edge of your seat. A page turner from the first page to the last. I can hardly wait for the next in this amazing trilogy. I certainly hope the next installment will be about Frankie and Lane. “Deadly Offerings” will appeal to any romantic suspense,romance,and mystery readers. Alexa Grace is an author to be on the watch for as she continues her “Deadly” trilogy.If you enjoy Cherry Adair and Catherine Mann’s writing you will enjoy Alexa Grace also. What a strong debut! Received for an honest review from the author. Details can be found at the author’s website,Createspace,and My Book Addiction and More.



RECEIVED BY: AprilR, My Book Addiction and More

    mystery suspense


11 reviews


January 4, 2023

0 ⭐️
I read this back in elementary/middle school and I regret reading it again. What’s Michael even look like? His facial features? Nonexistent. At least Anne has descriptive parts— she has breasts and red hair, clearly important parts of characterization. It is important to note that those seeking a strong and smart heroine in this book should look elsewhere. Some of my friends started reading this and they started crying. Due to the unfortunate circ*mstance of this being a sh*t book, I was unable to provide a rating. Consider it -10 ⭐️. The sex wasn’t even good :(

- the dead body
- violence and gore? Can it even be considered gore? Prolly not.
- not much else tbh

- all the characters
- the pink glock
- Anne’s stupidity and Michael’s hard wall of a chest
- he didn’t even wear a condom the second time
- “her long hair was auburn with streaks of gold… her lips full and sexy”
- there’s too many negatives to fit in this review— if highly requested, I will post later in several parts

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Mary Speight

31 reviews11 followers

September 10, 2012

I came across Deadly Offerings looking for a FREE book to load onto my eReader from Kindle. I read a few of the reviews and was slightly apprehensive, but, ended up pleasantly surprised. It was a nice read. I do have to agree with the reviewer who stated they were tired of Anne constantly saying she could take care of herself. But, I think as a female reader, knowing what is going to happen, and getting caught up in the story...I liken it to wanting to jump into the book and smack her around and tell her to stop being a "putz". I also liked Frankie, the female PI. For the most part, the characters were well developed and interesting to read. I am a Romance Suspense writer as well, and I found the story flowed very nicely, but, I didn't want it to be so cut and dry, and without giving anything away, I wanted the drama and suspense to last just a little bit longer. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants an exciting, quick and easy read.

Barbara ★

3,491 reviews276 followers

August 10, 2015

I was invested in this story from the first page. Anne just grabbed my attention though she did have a lot of TSTL moments. I hate it when the obviously in trouble heroine says to the hero "I don't need you help, I can do it myself" when obviously she can't. And Anne was a master at this. Admittedly she was doing it so Michael Brant wouldn't ruin his career but still it was irritating.

This was lust at first sight for Michael. That's all it took and he was all over Anne and simply wouldn't take no for an answer. He steamrolled right over Anne but not in a creepy stalkerish way. It was obvious to Michael that Anne was interested but reluctant and he just wasn't going to stand for that.

I liked the budding romance between detective Lane Hansen and private investigator Frankie Douglas and look forward to seeing how they connect in Deadly Deception.

    debut mystery-fbi-pi-cop mystery-serial-killers

Kathy L

207 reviews6 followers

July 20, 2012

This is my first book by Alexa Grace. I first came across her writing by reading an excerpt on called Cornfield Surveillance. I was hooked and had to buy the book the excerpt was from. I was hooked from the first page. Michael Brandt is the man I want protecting me! I felt bad for everything Anne had to give up in order to get a bit of happiness in the beginning. She ended up getting so much more. I was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time, I was trying to figure it out. I have to say I was close. I enjoyed the side story of Lane and Frankie - too hot to handle in the pickup truck. Let me get my first aid kit. I look forward to reading Alexa's next book - Deadly Delivery now Deception.

Dawn ~The Romance Cover

76 reviews

August 19, 2012

First time I have read anything by this author but won't be the last. I read this book in a day as I couldn't put it down. I wanted to know what was going to happen at the turn of every page. I loved the characters but Anne annoyed me at time for keeping on pushing Michael away, found my self speaking to my kindle at times!!
I recommend this to anyone that likes a good romantic suspense. I will definitely read more by Alexa Grace and look forward to the sequel with Frankie and Lane.
On saying that I am also keen to find out what Anne and Michael do next so I'm hoping the third one is about them.
Don't be put of by some of the other reviews it's a greet book and well worth a read.

Danielle Gypsy Soul

3,126 reviews78 followers

January 28, 2015

I really wanted to like this book, I just didn't. The storyline was okay, but the romance made no sense. First, it was one of those he falls in love at first sight and even though she really doesn't treat him very well it doesn't matter. He's over the top protective instantly, and if a guy showed up that many times in just the right time/place I would start to think he was a stalker. But the thing that drove me absolutely crazy was that she took independent to a whole new level. I'm all for independent women, I think you should be able to stand on your own two feet. However, when you know you are a target for a killer and you have no alarm system, flimsy locks on your house and you are alone you might want to accept some help. I'm glad this book was free.


69 reviews2 followers

September 28, 2012

I intentionally went back to my amazon account to see exactly how much money I spent on this book. Thankfully it was free. I made it about a quarter way through before I just gave up. The writing style was difficult to follow yet very elementary. No depth to the characters. No real emotions. It read like a fake dialogue between two random people. There wasn't anything that grabbed you and made you want to turn the next page.

CD {Boulder Blvd}

963 reviews93 followers

November 20, 2015

I read this about three years ago so the memory is fuzzy. I liked it well enough that I considered reading the next book in the series, but got caught up with other books on my TBR.

I got it while it was a freebie introducing you to the author. If it is still a freebie, I would say try it and let yourself decide how well you like the author.



61 reviews5 followers

July 31, 2012

I honestly don't know which book I love more! I read the second book first and just had the pleasure of reading this! This book was action-packed from the start! Micheal is the perfect hero...tall, sexy and the ultimate protector! Am extremely excited for book 3!!!


56 reviews8 followers

August 27, 2012

I really enjoyed this book! I had a hard time putting it down! Highly reccommend!

    favorites worth-a-re-read

Amy H

561 reviews22 followers

July 28, 2013

wow! this book did not disappoint me at all! I have waited to read my own books for while because of all the request from authors for ARC lol.

i got this book from a amazon freebie and i noticed it is still free!

this book is about a hardworking girl named Anne. She is getting divorced from a lousy husband who is trying to take everything from her.
while she is in court she sees the hottest guy she ever laid eyes on. The only problem with that is he is her ex husbands attorney. go figure! She has a hard time concentrating when all she can think about is this lawyer named Michael. Anne decided that in stead of fighting she was going to sell her house and sell her share of her company and give her ex husband all the money because she just wants to start her life over.

She is moving into a farm house that was given to her my her ex husband grandmother. She was on the front page of the paper because it is not every day another woman takes over a huge farm! She was going to lease some of her land to the wind energy businesses so she can make extra money because her farm was almost in the red.

while in this book their is a man who is stalking woman and talking very bad about Anne. You will never know who this man in during the book which i love because i love to try to figure out the book myself. I have to tell you know that you will never guess who it is either! so as i was saying. while Anne is starting over she finds herself in a bad position when she finds a dead body in her cornfield wrapped in a bow. Do you think she would get some comfort. NOPE! the sheriff thinks she is the one who killed this body and placed it their herself. So, in the book Anne is trying to convince this a hole of a cop that she is innocent. Up top of the dead bodies the come in up in the cornfield Anne, get letters in her mail that says she is next for their private party. She has to figure out what is the connection between all of this and her. Also, who would target her and know where she moved to?

meanwhile Michael is smitten by Anne and takes it upon himself to play guard dog and watch over Anne. he comes to her rescue more than once. He is always saving the day which is making Anne mad. She doesn't want to trust another man yet, but is finding it hard to resist Michael. He starts staying at her house to help watch over her because she is scared. There is a little romance that starts between the two, but like always something happens that changes everything. what is it that you might ask?! well, i am not telling! Michael hires a private detective to help watch over Ann's house and what they find will shock and amaze you.

this book will have you reading till the very end. there isn't a spot in the book that is boring and it will always have you thinking. i would recommend this book to everyone of my friends and i even put it on my re-read list just in case it get into a book slump.


Ursula Gorman

Author2 books19 followers

August 8, 2012

Deadly Offerings by Alexa Grace has a great storyline and engaging characters. I am torn by likes and dislikes in this story. Let's start with the dislikes:
Anne is a woman finalizing her divorce and changing everything about her life. The ex is brought up briefly; if it weren't for the need to meet his attorney, it is part of the story that could have been look at in retrospect. Since it was a needed part for the introduction of Michael, it could have had more heat in the divorce settlement. The ex-husband got off way too easy.
Then there is Michael. We hear a few too many times about him in his jeans and ultra-tight t-shirts and how they look stretched across his chest; okay, we got it! Michael is also way too aggressive with Anne. He appears at her house, uninvited. He tells her what to do and tries to make decisions for her, and they've just met. He seems like perfect stalker material in the beginning.
Back to Anne; she is the typical woman in a murder mystery. Someone is obviously trying to kill her and torturing her beforehand. So what does she do? Turn the one guy away that has already saved her life, TWICE with comments like: "I can take care of myself". Really? You act like nothing is wrong!
Finally, last on the dislike side; there are a couple places that you can't tell who is talking and sections skip around. One paragraph, they are in the elevator making out, the very next paragraph, they are in the truck driving home; no scene breaks.
Okay, I gave this book a four star and it sounds like I hated it...Oh, but I didn't. The aforementioned dislikes are heavily outweighed by the rest of the story. The plot is interesting and you don't know 'who' or 'why' until it is revealed! There are some secondary characters with a good story buildup of their own.
Once our main characters stop being overbearing and/or standoffish, the heat really starts sizzling. Michael finally starts acting in a less obsessive manor and you start pulling for him. It takes Anne longer to stop acting like a cold fish, but once she does the story becomes even more enjoyable.
Overall, I liked both of the main characters and most of the supporting characters. I really liked teh story line and the development of it. I look forward to reading the other two books in this series. I would recommend this story to anyone that likes a mystery mixed in with a good helping of romance!

    action kidnapping murder

Ashley Haines

36 reviews7 followers

August 13, 2013

What did I think of this book Good Reads!!!!!! It was great!!! It did however, start off slow, but a lot of books do. See if a book just jumps right in to the action than it could be portrayed as a book that has too much juice in it. BUT, Deadly Offerings, I was a little ahh on it at first because it took longer to get in to the book than what I would like but the middle of the story and the ending OMG I have to read the next book I have to find out what happens with Michael and Ann. So at the beginning of the story Ann and Michael have this thing going on like really make up your minds but than there's a Twist with Ann she gets CARJACKED!!! so Michael is there to her rescue. Now as the story goes along the two of them have a fling and than Ann comes to her senses and tells Michael that she no longer wants to see him because it would cause a conflict of interest with his job and secretly she cares and may even love him and does not want to ruin his job. At the end of the book Michael Reveals to Ann when she finds out who the killer is that he has stepped down from his job because he is in love with her and he has to protect her and wants to be with her. than its time to start the next book and I can not wait I have to find out what happens till than talk to you all later

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


234 reviews18 followers

April 13, 2012

I want to say sweet, funny and sexy but the killing part kind of deflects from that. Oh yeah and I hope to see a reappearance of Lane and Frankie although I have a feeling any reader will know where they are headed.

So it starts with divorce and ends on well I won't spoil iit but there are some HOT scenes in here let me tell you.

Anne is a successful co-owner of computer consulting firm. She's also concluding a messy divorce from a two timing gambler who's addiction has drained their bank accounts. When the divorce if finally over she doesn't expect to be drawn to the impressive 6'5" opposing attorney who represented her ex nor he to her. Now she's taking over Golden Acres Farm the inheritance from her exes mother willed solely to her. She supposed to have a quiet life now right?

Michael has gone from cop to lawyer and now to district attorney he just can't feel satisfied with anything although plenty of women would be satisfied with him. He begins his pursuit of Anne when the divorce is final. Not just for dating the women can't seem to stay out of harms way. Someone bad is after her and observing her being car jacked is just the beginning of the rollatcoaster that will keep them together even when Anne wants to run.

Sometimes accepting what's right in front of you is harder than it seems.


1,689 reviews35 followers

October 20, 2013

Anne is going through a lot of stressful situations. She is getting a divorce which costs her a lot in assets which she has to sell to give her ex half the money and then there are some dead bodies that are being dumped on her farm. Anne figures out that the bodies are just the beginning and she is next to be killed. Even though Michael appeals to Anne when she meets him as her ex's attorney she doesn't feel she can trust him.

Michael takes a job as County Prosecutor and buys a farm beside Anne's so they become neighbours and run into each other constantly. Michael is seriously attracted to Anne and seems to make sure they are at the same place at the same time quite often.

Grace wove a wonderfully suspenseful story so that I never guessed who the killer was.

The character development was well done. The reader gets a very clear picture of their personalities. I did get a bit tired of Anne's constant insistence that she didn't need help (when she really did). And Michael was so obsessed with Anne that he was pretty much stalking her. I really liked the secondary characters and would love to hear more about Lane and Frankie.

I look forward to reading the other two books in this series. If you like romantic suspense books, you will like Deadly Offerings.

Daisy Sloan

776 reviews114 followers

August 17, 2012

I was lucky enough to pick this book up from Amazon for FREE! I just checked and it's still free on Amazon! I recommend picking it up!

Alexa Grace is an Indie Author and I'm so glad I found this book. It's a great start to a new trilogy. I really liked all the characters in the book and found the story enjoyable and fast paced. While there were some lulls in the investigation of the murders, there were no lulls in the story. It followed what typically happens in these types of investigations.

I found Michael to be hot and dreamy and perfect. That right there tells you he's fictional! Anne was just as wonderful. She's independent and sassy without being snarky or bitchy. She stands on her two feet but also knows when to ask for help (most of the time).

I really liked the way the romance developed between them. It felt natural and fun.

They mystery was interesting in itself. I was surprised by who the killer was. I had no clue what the connection was until Anne made it. I really liked how Alexa didn't try to make it look like Michael was killer. That was refreshing!

I'm excited to read the next book in the trilogy. I'm excited to read about Lance and Frankie!

    a-bnl mystery own
Deadly Offerings (Deadly Trilogy, #1) (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 5743

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.